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Baerbock urges Hungary to promptly end its Ukraine aid obstruction.

Russian act of hostility

Baerbock fordert Ungarn "eindringlich" zu Ende der Blockade bei Ukraine-Hilfen auf
Baerbock fordert Ungarn "eindringlich" zu Ende der Blockade bei Ukraine-Hilfen auf

Baerbock urges Hungary to promptly end its Ukraine aid obstruction.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock appealed to Hungary to remove the obstacles preventing more EU military aid for Ukraine during a meeting with other EU foreign ministers. "I'm urging Hungary to allow assistance to Ukraine for peacekeeping once again," said Baerbock. "When Europe is united, it's powerful."

EU foreign ministers will be discussing additional support for Ukraine, in addition to other issues, during their meeting in Brussels. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba again requested extra air defense systems and other weapons in a video address. Baerbock agrees with this request, but her support hasn't received much resonance in the EU.

According to diplomatic sources, Hungary is the one blocking further joint military aid for Ukraine. Several participants in the Monday meeting asked Budapest to lift its blockade.

Baerbock reiterated Germany's support for Ukraine in all aspects, including humanitarian aid. Germany is making available an additional "60 million euros, particularly for eastern Ukraine," said the Green Party politician, as "there's a shortage of just about everything there."

The EU foreign ministers will also be discussing the situations in Georgia and the ongoing war between Israel and the extremist Islamic group Hamas in Gaza during their meeting.

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