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"Bad Taste Party" for your 50th birthday?

Florian David Fitz gives insights into his plans for his 50th birthday. A big party with the theme 'Bad Taste' is planned.

Actor Florian David Fitz is about to celebrate a milestone birthday and is in the midst of...
Actor Florian David Fitz is about to celebrate a milestone birthday and is in the midst of preparations for a big party.

- "Bad Taste Party" for your 50th birthday?

Florian David Fitz (49) turns 50 on November 20th. The milestone birthday seems to leave the actor quite unfazed, as he emphasized in an interview. However, he appears to be getting a bit nervous about the preparations for the big party.

"I love 'Bad Taste Parties'"

What he thinks about turning 50 was revealed during the event "BMW Opera for All" over the weekend in Munich to "RTL". "I don't care," he said to the Cologne-based private broadcaster in a nutshell. Nevertheless, he seems to be planning a big party for the occasion. The preparations seem to be quite advanced, with the theme and venue already set: "I love 'Bad Taste Parties', and that's why they always have to be in a really terrible location." The place is so bad that he can't even mention it.

He did give a little hint though: "A famous German film producer always used to get dropped off there by taxi and didn't want to leave at the end of the night."

Florian David Fitz was born in Munich in 1974 and is one of the most well-known actors in Germany. He rose to fame with the TV series "Doctor's Diary", in which he played a senior physician from 2008 to 2011 alongside Diana Amft (48). Long ago, he has been working not only as an actor. For the film "Vincent will Meer" (2010), he wrote the screenplay, and he made his directorial debut in 2012 with the film "Jesus liebt mich". He keeps his private life mostly out of the public eye. However, in April 2022, he confirmed that he is the father of twins.

Despite his nonchalant attitude towards turning 50, Florian David Fitz is excited about planning a 'Bad Taste Party' for the occasion, mentioning a famous German film producer's fondness for the questionable location. Furthermore, the theme of the party, as per Florian, will be 'BMW Opera for All', considering his love for unconventional celebrations.

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