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Attack on Christmas market planned: Germany deports Iraqi

Germany has sent a 20-year-old back to his home country because of plans to attack Christmas markets. But even after the deportation, the situation remains tense.

Police officers secure a Christmas market (symbolic image)
Police officers secure a Christmas market (symbolic image)

Under suspicion of terrorism - Attack on Christmas market planned: Germany deports Iraqi

An Iraqi suspected of terrorism has been deported from Germany to his home country. The 20-year-old man had to leave Germany on Friday evening because he was planning a "serious act of violence", the interior ministries of Saxony-Anhalt and Lower Saxony announced on Saturday. The deportation was accompanied by an indefinite entry and residence ban.

According to media reports, the man is an Islamist who is said to have planned an attack on a Christmas market. He was arrested in November.

The prerequisite for the deportation order that has now been issued is "the prevention of a particular threat to the security of the Federal Republic of Germany or a terrorist threat", the ministries announced. Saxony-Anhalt Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) explained with regard to the deportee that thanks to the "high vigilance of the security authorities","attack plans were thwarted".

Despite deportation: "Threat situation remains tense"

Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) explained that it had been possible to "avert a serious threat to our citizens and deport the Iraqi to his country of origin in a timely manner". She added: "The general threat situation remains tense."

According to the ministries, the 20-year-old lived in Saxony-Anhalt and worked in Lower Saxony. He is said to be the same man who was arrested in Lower Saxony on November 21 on the grounds of a "dangerous situation". According to the authorities, he is said to have announced his intention to carry out "attacks in connection with major events during the Christmas period".

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