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At least 15 people perished due to storms in the United States.

During Memorial Day Weekend, numerous individuals in the US gather for swimming and barbecuing. However, this year, tornadoes are ravaging several states, resulting in harrowing outcomes.

In the US state of Oklahoma, one of the storms reached at least level three out of five according...
In the US state of Oklahoma, one of the storms reached at least level three out of five according to preliminary estimates.

Weather System Brings Heavy Downpours and Powerful Winds - At least 15 people perished due to storms in the United States.

Severe thunderstorms in the southern and midwestern parts of the United States have taken a heavy toll, causing the death of at least 15 individuals. Rescue teams and law enforcement officers were scouring the wreckage in different areas to check for potential victims and attending to the injured. The casualties were reported in the states of Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky, as per news reports in the US.

Numerous places witnessed tornadoes on Sunday night. News stations reported hailstones approximately the size of tennis balls. Initial assessments indicate that one storm in Oklahoma reached at least level three out of five - such tornadoes can reach wind speeds of up to 265 kilometers per hour.

Massive destruction, especially in Texas

Local officials and residents shared images and videos of the devastation on social media. The storms toppled over heavy-duty trucks and their cargoes, reduced buildings to rubble, and snapped power lines. More than 450,000 individuals across nine states were left without electricity in the initial hours of Sunday night, according to CNN.

Texas' Cooke County, close to Dallas, suffered the most damage. Authorities claimed that a storm there first leveled a rest area on the highway before plowing through a trailer park. Seven individuals lost their lives, including four children. According to the Texas state governor, Greg Abbott, more than 100 people were injured throughout Texas. Numerous houses were destroyed.

The magnitude of the destruction emerged gradually on Sunday night. A state of emergency was announced in various regions.

Storm ongoing

The United States observed a public holiday on Monday - Memorial Day Weekend is unofficially the start of summer with the commencement of swimming season. Many Americans gather for a swim and a barbecue. In certain areas, these festivities might have to be canceled due to the danger of extreme weather. The National Weather Service issued more severe weather and tornado alerts for several states. In southern Texas, warnings were also issued due to expected temperatures exceeding 45 degrees.

Experts link the increase in natural disasters in the United States - storms, floods, and forest fires - to the effects of climate change. The US weather service believes that the number of tornadoes has increased massively in recent years.

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