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At eye level with meerkats and desert elephants: A photo journey to animal Namibia

Africa - At eye level with meerkats and desert elephants: A photo journey to animal Namibia

A vast desert, many national parks and all kinds of animal inhabitants: Namibia is a magical country. The species-rich wildlife in particular attracts many tourists year after year. They want to explore the world of the desert elephants, follow in the footsteps of giraffes and watch the agile meerkats as they forage for food together. Yet this world remains hidden from most people for the rest of their lives.

Namibia and its diverse wildlife

The two filmmakers Jens Westphalen and Thoralf Gropitz wanted to change that and therefore spent three years traveling through Namibia - always on the lookout for real animal stories. And the result is impressive, in the truest sense of the word: the two-part documentary "Namibia's Natural Wonders - Life at the Limit" (Part 1) and "Namibia's Natural Wonders - Small Heroes, Big Hunters" (Part 2) will be broadcast on December 13, 2023 from 8.15 pm on NDR.

If you don't want to wait that long for a trip to animal Namibia, you can find first impressions in our picture gallery. It's about hippos, chameleons, meerkats and many other inhabitants of the African country, which is characterized by drought and heat. As different as the animals may be, they certainly have one thing in common: they have managed to survive in this ever-changing habitat for generations.

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