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Artists demand a strong line of defense against the AfD.

Carolin Kebekus switches to Ski Aggu.

Just two of those who signed the letter: Carolin Kebekus and Ski Aggu.
Just two of those who signed the letter: Carolin Kebekus and Ski Aggu.

Artists demand a strong line of defense against the AfD.

Artists and musicians are stepping up against right-wing extremism and the rise of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. They're doing so by signing an open letter that demands action to prevent the AfD from gaining any sort of power, even if it's small.

This call to action comes after the Antifa movement organized numerous demonstrations against right-wing extremism. Now, many singers, bands, comedians, authors, and even influencers are speaking up against the AfD. The letter was sent to the leaders of the CDU/CSU, SPD, Greens, FDP, and Left parties.

Some of the notable figures who've signed the open letter include singers Nico Santos and Ski Aggu, Jennifer-Rock's Jennifer Weist, bands Deichkind and Revolverheld, moderators Klaas Heufer-Umlauf and Ruth Moschner, comedian Carolin Kebekus, author Düzen Tekkal, model Marie Nasemann, actor Sebastian Schneider, and influencer Diana zur Löwen.

The letter obtained by "Spiegel" states: "We demand clarity from all democratic parties: compromises and majorities should be achieved between democratic parties - even if the opinions often differ greatly." The letter also demands calls for resolutions of incompatibility in every municipality and state, and calls on the addressed parties to demand and create a 'wall' against the AfD from the local to the European level.

The artists fear that the AfD's influence could continue to grow following their strong performance in the European elections. With state elections in Saxony, Brandenburg, and Thuringia approaching, they worry about the potential for more cooperation with the party.

The movement against right-wing extremism is being carried out by the alliance "Hand in Hand" and has also organized many of the previous demonstrations against the right. "We want to break the downward spiral. We want there to be no cooperation with the AfD or other right-wing extremists in any municipality," said co-initiator Janka Schubart to "Spiegel."

Comedian Carolin Kebekus also shared her personal thoughts on the matter: "Right-wing extremists would endanger everything that makes up our society. Whoever works with them legitimizes their hatred against diversity, openness, and tolerance." She believes there's a "historical responsibility" to "oppose this right-wing turn."

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