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Around 20 cattle die in flames - helpers slightly injured

People should keep windows and doors closed: A fire spread from hay bales in the Hohenlohe district. It also reached a cattle barn - with fatal consequences.

The fire department quickly controlled a fire in a hall in the Hohenlohe district. However, people...
The fire department quickly controlled a fire in a hall in the Hohenlohe district. However, people in the vicinity were told to keep their windows and doors closed.

Brand in a Stall - Around 20 cattle die in flames - helpers slightly injured

In a fire in the Hohenlohe district, approximately 20 cattle perished in a barn. Initially, according to police reports, hay bales were on fire. The flames spread to a machinery hall and the barn. A helper was lightly injured and had to be treated in the hospital, according to a statement.

The possible cause of the fire and the extent of the damage, as well as the exact number of animals that died, were initially unclear. The owner of the farm was not at home when the fire broke out, a police spokeswoman said.

Via the short messaging service X, the police called on people in the area of Forchtenberg-Ernsbach and surroundings to keep their windows and doors closed. "Even during the approach to the burning building, the deployment forces could see a black smoke column," the statement read. In the evening, the fire department had almost extinguished the full blaze, according to the spokeswoman.

The police statement mentioned the need for residents to keep their windows and doors closed due to the large smoke column from the burning building. Despite the efforts of the fire department, some details about the cause of the fire, the extent of the damage, and the exact number of surviving cattle remained other unsettled matters.

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