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Apolitical career destroyed their love life

Star-Kochn Sarah Wiener sat in the European parliament for five years. Her political activity left her no time and energy for love.

Politics in Brussels consumed Sarah Winer's energy entirely.
Politics in Brussels consumed Sarah Winer's energy entirely.

Television chef Sarah Wiener - Apolitical career destroyed their love life

In the 2010s, Sarah Wiener (61), the Star-Chef, was almost ubiquitous on German television. However, in 2019, the German-Austrian woman ran for the Austrian Greens in the European Parliament. Opposite the "Bild" Newspaper, Wiener looked back on her political career and said: "It's difficult for private life. I didn't handle it well. I haven't had a relationship in the past five years."

Her politics career destroyed Sarah Wiener's love life

The 61-year-old, who was married to actor Peter Lohmeyer (61) from 2008 to 2014, did not run for the European election again in 2024. In retrospect, she realized that she had lacked the "energy" for love and relationships due to her political activities in the past years, as she had been "very focused" at the time. "Love needs time for two," Wiener said, but now, after the end of her Brussels career, she could imagine "that it might change again."

For the future, the TV chef, who became famous through formats like "The Culinary Adventures of Sarah Wiener," could certainly imagine a return to TV. "I'm on ZDF as a nutrition expert for 'The Quiz Champion.' That makes me so happy," she revealed. She also has clear ideas about her TV future. "It should be entertaining and informative at the same time, that's what I want," Wiener said. It should be something between "sleep television" and "chaos TV."

  1. Despite her focus on the European Parliament and the impact on her love life, Sarah Wiener expressed optimism for a potential future romance, stating, "Love might change again."
  2. Following her political campaign with the Austrian Greens in the European Parliament, Sarah Wiener recognized the energy she had lacked for relationships, admitting, "Love needs time for two."
  3. In an interview with a Picture-Newspaper, television chef Sarah Wiener discussed her love life, confessing, "I haven't had a relationship in the past five years."
  4. Despite the impact of her political career on her personal life, television chef Sarah Wiener is open to a comeback on German television, mentioning, "I could imagine a return to TV."
  5. Sarah Wiener, the well-known European Parliament candidate and television chef, shared her thoughts on her relationship with television, saying, "I love formats like 'The Culinary Adventures of Sarah Wiener' that are both entertaining and informative."

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