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AntiFa group takes credit for causing disruptions at AfD's stall.

Two lawmakers sustain minor injuries.

According to the Antifa, the scuffle was started by security and AfD members.
According to the Antifa, the scuffle was started by security and AfD members.

AntiFa group takes credit for causing disruptions at AfD's stall.

On a Wednesday, two members of the AfD were mildly harmed outside of Stuttgart's state parliament. Authorities are investigating the case. A neighborhood Antifa coalition is now speaking up. The group talks about a "original disruptive action", leading to a fight.

Stuttgart and Region Anti-Fascist Action Alliance confessed to causing disruption at an AfD information booth in front of the state parliament, causing two AfD MPs to be injured. The organization shared through their site and Instagram that they disturbed the AfD event at Stuttgart's Eckensee lake. Shortly after this, there was "a ruckus from security and AfD MPs."

The two AfD MPs mentioned being struck in the neck and head. Antifa never responded to reports of the two MPs getting hit by individuals causing disruptions. The AfD is exhibiting themselves as victims. The activists stated in a document that they had been physically abused by both security personnel and AfD MPs. There's chatter about a "creative disruptive action".

The Anti-Fascist Action Alliance also berated state parliament president Muhterem Aras (Greens) for commenting she was sorry about the incident. State security is examining the situation. A police representative stated that a link to Antifa could be thought about due to the annotations on the banner that was unrolled. This is the focus of the study.

Based on police, two AfD leaders were attacked earlier than a festive event celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law outside of Stuttgart's state parliament. Medical help wasn't necessary.

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