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Anti-Fascist group in Stuttgart admits to targeting AfD election stand

Disruptive behavior

Stuttgart Antifa claims responsibility for attack on AfD information stand
Stuttgart Antifa claims responsibility for attack on AfD information stand

Anti-Fascist group in Stuttgart admits to targeting AfD election stand

Stuttgart (dpa) - The Stuttgart and Region Anti-Fascist Action Alliance has taken credit for disrupting an AfD information stand in front of the state parliament, resulting in mild injuries to two AfD MPs. On their website and Instagram, they declared that they had 'interrupted' the AfD stand near Stuttgart's Eckensee lake. Shortly after, there was a 'scuffle' between security personnel and the AfD MPs.

In a statement issued on Friday, Antifa shared their alleged mistreatment by both security staff and AfD MPs. They referred to their actions as a 'creative disruptive response.' Antifa did not respond to the information released by the police, indicating that two MPs were physically hurt by the protesters. They are portraying themselves as the victims. The anti-fascist alliance also chastised the president of the state parliament, Muhterem Aras (Greens), for expressing regret over the occurrence.

State security is currently examining the case. A police spokesperson announced on Friday that based on the words written on the banner, there may be a connection to Antifa. This matter is being investigated.

Two AfD politicians were assaulted in front of the state parliament on Wednesday prior to a celebratory event marking the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law. However, police reported that medical attention was not needed. The two AfD MPs mentioned being struck in the neck and head.

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The Stuttgart Anti-Fascist Action Alliance claimed responsibility for their 'creative disruptive action' against the AfD information stand, leading to a 'scuffle' that mildly injured two AfD MPs. Despite the allegations of physical harm, Antifa has been silent on the police's investigation into their attack on the AfD stand in Stuttgart.


