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Andrea Kiewels Israel-Necklace causes critique

Irritation at the 'Fernsehgarten'

Andrea Kiewel's trailer caused a stir in 'Fernsehgarten'.
Andrea Kiewel's trailer caused a stir in 'Fernsehgarten'.

Andrea Kiewels Israel-Necklace causes critique

On Sunday, Andrea Kiewel's necklace in the "ZDF Fernsehgarten" sparks criticism online. The moderator wore a pendant in the shape of the map of Israel. The ZDF has now commented on this.

Criticism of Andrea "Kiwi" Kiewel's outfit or her often provocative statements has been common following the broadcast of the "ZDF Fernsehgarten" over the past 20 years. However, during the show on July 21, it was her necklace that caused confusion for many viewers. Kiewel wore a golden chain with the outline of the map of Israel, her chosen homeland, on it.

Many "Fernsehgarten" viewers interpreted the jewelry choice as a political statement, as the pendant included the occupied territories of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights within the Israeli state. Criticism was voiced online. "I'm a big fan of the Fernsehgarten, but this pendant of your moderator Andrea Kiewel is still a bit confusing. Dear ZDF, could you please clarify this for us?" wrote an X-user, for example. "Why is such a statement tolerated by the ZDF" and "Imagine a moderator wearing a necklace with the historical map of Palestine. (...) I would have preferred an explanation from the ZDF" were among the public criticisms.

Two days after the Sunday broadcast, the publicly-funded broadcaster issued a statement: "We have spoken to Andrea Kiewel about this and have agreed that she will no longer wear the pendant in the show." explained Cordelia Gramm from the Communications Department to t-online.

Kiewel lives with her partner in Israel

Andrea Kiewel has lived in Tel Aviv for several years. Her partner is a former elite soldier in the Israeli military. When he was called to the war against Hamas in October 2023, Kiewel expressed concern for his safety.

"When I came to Israel with my youngest son in 2017, I planted my heart in the ground here. I am myself Jewish and love this land so much that it has become my home," Kiewel told the "Bild" newspaper at the time. Of course, she was worried, but: "I don't think about running away."

Despite the controversy surrounding her necklace, Andrea Kiewel's loyalty to Israel remains unwavering. During the Israel-War in October 2023, she expressed concern for her partner, a former elite soldier in the Israeli military.

The German broadcaster ZDF faced backlash following Andrea Kiewel's appearance on "ZDF Fernsehgarten" with a pendant depicting the Israeli map, including controversial territories.

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