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Analysis: Decreasing CO2 Emissions in China Resulting from Extensive Growth in Renewable Energy

Research Center on Energy

Studie: Chinas CO2-Emissionen wegen massiven Ausbaus der Erneuerbaren rückläufig
Studie: Chinas CO2-Emissionen wegen massiven Ausbaus der Erneuerbaren rückläufig

Analysis: Decreasing CO2 Emissions in China Resulting from Extensive Growth in Renewable Energy

It's been revealed that China's CO2 emissions have dropped for the first time since the coronavirus outbreak, claims a study from the Finnish research group Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air. The study suggests it's possible that China's emissions peaked last year, and could potentially start to decrease.

The primary causation of this decline is the rapid expansion of renewable energy, alongside a substantial decrease in construction production back in March.

Compared to the previous year, emissions dropped by three percent, as stated by the research's author, Lauri Myllyvirta, through an analysis of official data. Initially, the first quarter's emissions were greater than the prior year; however, this was primarily because of a lingering influence of weak economic activity in January and February 2022 as a result of the pandemic.

The study states that March is "the first month that reveals clear trends in emissions after the restoration (from the pandemic)". Although the information is solely for a single month, it aligns with projections from the year before, showcasing significant findings.

As noted in the research, the surge in demand for renewable energy was singlehandedly compensated for the growth of renewable energy sources. Subsequently, despite a rise in energy consumption, CO2 emissions remained constant. The percentage of electric vehicles is quickly increasing, in turn, influencing a reduction in oil consumption. March's statistics showcase an eight percent decrease in emissions within the steel industry and a 22 percent drop in the cement industry. This development reflects the turmoil in Chinese construction, as per the study.

Myllyvirta observed a 40 percent increase in solar and wind power capacity. Significant parts of this new renewable capacity are connected to small-scale solar power facilities, becoming more and more crucial in China. With rising challenges encountered while expanding the power grid, the current contribution of wind and solar energy to Chinese electricity generation amounts to a mere 15 percent.

Read also:

  1. The study attributes China's decreasing CO2 emissions to the extensive growth in the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.
  2. Researchers at China's Energy Center are conducting ongoing studies to explore the potential for further expansion of renewable energy and its impact on CO2 emissions.
  3. It's projected that China's renewable energy sector will continue to expand, potentially leading to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions in the future.
  4. The energy sector in China is undergoing significant transformation as the country shifts its focus towards renewable energy resources to combat rising CO2 emissions and contribute to global efforts against climate change.


