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Amy Winehouse's father sues two of her friends

Dispute over inheritance

Father and daughter in an archive photo from July 23, 2009 - the singer died exactly two
Father and daughter in an archive photo from July 23, 2009 - the singer died exactly two years

Amy Winehouse's father sues two of her friends

Twelve years after Amy Winehouse's death, her heirs are in dispute with two women who were acquainted with the singer and, in the opinion of Winehouse's father, unlawfully sold items belonging to her. Now Mitch Winehouse is filing a lawsuit on behalf of the heirs.

A long-running dispute between the heirs of Amy Winehouse (1983-2011) and her two alleged friends Naomi Parry and Catriona Gourlay is now going to court more than twelve years after the singer's tragic death. As the British "Mirror" reports, the singer's heirs are accusing the two women of having illegally sold items belonging to Winehouse. They are demanding payment of the sum of 730,000 pounds, the equivalent of almost 850,000 euros.

The plaintiffs - led by Mitch Winehouse, the 73-year-old father of the deceased - claim before the High Court that Parry and Gourlay unlawfully sold "various personal items" in an auction. The statement of claim states that parts of Winehouse's property were "converted for their own use" by the two women.

Proceeds unlawfully retained?

In a November 2023 statement on the dispute, a spokesperson for Amy Winehouse's heirs said: "In 2021, estate items from Amy's life and career were auctioned, with 30 percent of the proceeds going to the Amy Winehouse Foundation. Two people sold a number of items at this auction and kept the proceeds: The items all had a connection to Amy."

They also auctioned off other items this year. They are now wondering how these items came into their possession, but have not yet received any satisfactory answers. They are therefore now seeking legal proceedings to clarify the situation.

Amy Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning on July 23, 2011 at the age of 27. She had already been struggling with mental health problems and massive drug abuse in the months and years before.

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