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Amira Pocher has had enough of the separation fuss

"Just leave me alone"

The signs are pointing to her retiring: Amira
The signs are pointing to her retiring: Amira

Amira Pocher has had enough of the separation fuss

Amira Pocher was certainly aware that the separation from Oliver Pocher would not be completely silent. But she probably had no idea the extent of the war of the roses. She admits that the whole thing is now even affecting her physically.

The public hullabaloo following her separation from Oliver Pocher is apparently literally getting to Amira Pocher. She has even been to the doctor about it, she explains in the latest episode of her podcast "Liebes Leben". Her stomach was "completely acidic". That's why she's hardly been able to sleep at night recently. "That's a lot of restlessness," she says to her brother and podcast partner Ibrahim "Hima" Aly.

Because she has been physically unwell, she hasn't been able to do any sport recently, says the 31-year-old. "If you don't eat for a few days, then you shouldn't train either. You just can't because otherwise you'll see stars," she explains in the podcast. "Slowly but surely" she is getting fit again.

Amira Pocher is apparently not only physically unwell, but also mentally. She makes it clear that she reacts to the stress by wanting to withdraw. "I'm not very social at the moment," says the presenter. She already gets aggressive when someone calls her: "Just leave me alone. I'd prefer to just go into flight mode".

"Always this cheerfulness"

However, as she has a lot going on at work, this is not so easy. That's also getting to her at the moment: "Always this cheerfulness. Being positive. I'm happy when I don't have to laugh for an hour."

Nevertheless, Amira Pocher is aware that she has to be careful not to withdraw even more. She already has "no real social environment anymore". However, she currently has "no energy to start new conversations".

At the same time, the Austrian is happy about the encouragement from her fans. "If you see me on the street, just give me a hug," says Amira Pocher, making it clear that she can use just about any kind of comfort at the moment.

Amira Pocher's separation from Oliver Pocher has led to an unexpected turn in her entertainment career, with celebrity couples and their personal conflicts becoming a constant topic of discussion. Despite trying to maintain a private life, she finds herself at the center of public curiosity and gossip,OLiver Pocher's entertainment career and his relationships with other celebrities have also been a point of interest, with many people speculating about the implications of his split with Amira.




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