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Amira and the heated debate about celebrity surnames

Vip Vip, Hurrah!

Amira Pocher is being bullied by her husband's fans.
Amira Pocher is being bullied by her husband's fans.

Amira and the heated debate about celebrity surnames

Famous Comedian Oliver Pocher Wishes His Ex-Wife Amira Drops His Last Name. Amira's Social Media Comment Sections Are a Chaos and RTL Has a Surprise in Store. They Don't Have a Famous Last Name? Be Happy!

July is almost over, and summer still hasn't really heated up yet. One could take a cue from some of our celebrities who warm up with statements that make one want to give them a cool response out of fear that their heads might overheat. Nearly every day, some not-so-nice individuals linger in the social media spheres and believe that because many watch their verbal outbursts, they are famous.

Speaking of famous: Dear Reader, what is your last name? Be happy if you don't have a well-known one! Life as Mr. Mueller or Mrs. Schulze is infinitely more relaxing. No one pays attention to you or asks on the phone, "Are you related to XY?"

The world-renowned comedian Oliver Pocher, whose last name is almost as famous in German-speaking territories as the legends surrounding Siegfried and Kriemhild, is not amused that his ex-wife Amira, born Aly, has not taken back her maiden name after the separation.

They are not even divorced yet, but Herr Pocher already says, "We're being honest, the last name is why it's so interesting for everyone." Many divorced women, such as Barbara Becker, Cora Schumacher, or Natascha Ochsenknecht, also keep their famous ex-husbands' names after the divorce.

Opinions Galore

Let's take a brief detour to Barbara Becker. Yes, the woman was married to a sports legend and is the mother of his now grown-up sons. But Mrs. Becker, born Feltus, who has never publicly spoken negatively about the ex-tennis champion, is a fitness icon and a bestselling author. And that, believe it or not, she achieved through hard work and passion, not because she is "the ex-wife of" Boris.

One doesn't have to like Amira Pocher. And, of course, people can have a lot of opinions and very little knowledge, as some of the attention-seekers who leave their intellectual diarrhea in the comment sections of the moderator have shown. "She's manipulative" and "she only wanted fame on the back of her famous husband." It's understandable that the mother of Oliver Pocher's children "cooked inside" when such jabs come from her husband's corner.

The words she finds for these jabs remind us of the famous quote, "Behind every successful man stands a strong woman." Did Amira, who in her own words is labeled a "gold digger," benefit financially from Pocher? Certainly. And that's perfectly fine! She was his wife, not his accountant.

The 31-year-old recalls in her podcast, which she, of course, only started because of her famous husband, how he used to go from club to club during their courtship phase and perform in front of small audiences, while she helped him behind the scenes. She also mentions that his current tour "Love Kasper," which is about nothing less than their past love and separation, is the most successful of his entire career.

There are certainly not a few people who have come across Amira for the first time and perceived her as charming people. One, who let his tears flow freely at times and showed feelings that men unfortunately still often keep hidden, mistakenly considered weak.

It is understandable that it hurts the 46-year-old when the woman he once deeply loved is now happy with a new man. But it would also be a sign of strength if he clarified his private matters so that the rabble does not crawl into the comment sections of the mother of his children and leaves hatred and vitriol behind.

Let us end this issue with something pleasant! Dear reader, buckle up! RTL, at the end of the year, is lifting off and has brought a new award show into being! Who needs an Oscar-nomination or a Bambi when there are Reality Awards? The glorious trash is moderated by Sophia Thomalla and Olivia Jones.

Categories include: Beef of the Year, Newcomer of the Year, and Love Story of the Year. Can we please nominate Kim Virginia for the last one? For a long time, there was no hate-love as cheerful in German reality TV as the one between her and her "Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike". Until next week!

Amidst the buzz surrounding Amira's social media and the ensuing drama, entertainment channel RTL has an exciting announcement for 'Celebrity Couples' enthusiasts. They will be hosting 'Reality Awards' towards the end of the year, featuring categories like 'Beef of the Year', 'Newcomer of the Year', and 'Love Story of the Year'. Oliver Pocher, known for his 'Right-to-Left' humor, might find himself in the 'Beef of the Year' category, given his candid remarks about his ex-wife Amira and her decision to keep her maiden name.

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