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American Airlines faces legal action by three passengers who allege racial discrimination.

In American territory,

Three passengers have filed a lawsuit against American Airlines for racial discrimination
Three passengers have filed a lawsuit against American Airlines for racial discrimination

Three individuals have sued American Airlines in the U.S., claiming racial discrimination occurred. They claim they were unjustly ejected, along with five other black males, due to a complaint concerning body odor on the plane, as shared by U.S. media this past Wednesday (local time). The three plaintiffs had never met each other before this event, and were not seated together, as per reports.

This supposedly happened in January on a flight from Phoenix to New York. However, since no alternate flights were located for these men on that same day, they were allowed back on the plane approximately an hour later, according to reports. The plaintiffs were the only black passengers on the flight. The body odor complaint was from a white flight attendant.

"It's almost unfathomable to suggest there's any other explanation other than their skin color, especially since they didn't know each other and weren't even sitting near each other," said Sue Huhta, an attorney representing the plaintiffs, as told by the news outlet CBS. The airline is looking into the matter seriously and considering its investigation, according to American Airlines' statements in U.S. media reports. The claim goes against the corporation's ethics, it was further explained.

The plaintiffs are seeking compensation in these reports. They are also requesting changes within the airline's processes to prevent these incidents from occurring in the future.

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