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Alleged attack on AfD leader Chrupalla: public prosecutor's office closes investigation

At the beginning of October, Tino Chrupalla had to cancel an election campaign event in Ingolstadt. The reason: a mysterious puncture wound. The AfD immediately spoke of an "assault incident". The public prosecutor's office has now closed the investigation.

Tino Chrupalla, Chairman of the AfD (archive photo): After a "medical incident" at an
Tino Chrupalla, Chairman of the AfD (archive photo): After a "medical incident" at an election campaign event in Bavaria, the 48-year-old is in hospital in

No evidence found - Alleged attack on AfD leader Chrupalla: public prosecutor's office closes investigation

Following the hospital treatment of AfD chairman Tino Chrupalla due to an incident at an election campaign event, the public prosecutor's office has closed the investigation. No evidence of a criminal offense could have been found, senior public prosecutor Veronika Grieser announced on Wednesday.

On October 4, Chrupalla had to cancel an election campaign appearance in Ingolstadt for the Bavarian state elections that were to take place a few days later. Before his speech, he was taken to hospital and temporarily monitored in intensive care due to symptoms. After a day, he was able to leave the hospital again. Doctors diagnosed a puncture in Chrupalla's right upper arm. The AfD leader spoke of an attack that had been carried out on him.

"No concrete evidence" of an attack in the case of Tino Chrupalla

"The possibility that the injury was inflicted by an unknown person while he was on Theaterplatz in Ingolstadt cannot be ruled out," explained the senior public prosecutor. "However, the investigations have not revealed any concrete evidence or indications of such an assault during the visit to the election campaign event or in the immediate run-up to the visit."

The public prosecutor's office is relying, among other things, on an expert opinion by forensic doctors from Munich. According to this, it is suspected that Chrupalla was stabbed in the arm with a pin needle. There are no indications that he was injected with poison. Chrupalla's complaints also do not indicate poisoning.

Read also:

  1. Despite the claims of an attack by AfD leader Tino Chrupalla, the public prosecutor's office was unable to find sufficient evidence to charge anyone with a criminal offense.
  2. The public prosecutor's office declared the investigation into the alleged attack on Chrupalla during the election campaign closed, as they could not establish that he was assaulted during the event.
  3. The determination of Tino Chrupalla to press forward with his election campaign, despite the alleged attack, was underscored by his swift recovery and resumption of public appearances after the incident.


