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Again, Björn Höcke of the AfD party in Thuringia faces legal proceedings.

Björn Höcke, the leader of Thuringia's AfD, faces a new trial in Halle starting June 24, with an additional charge added.

Thüringens AfD-Landeschef Björn Höcke am 14. Mai vor der Urteilsverkündung vor dem Landgericht...
Thüringens AfD-Landeschef Björn Höcke am 14. Mai vor der Urteilsverkündung vor dem Landgericht Halle

Outside the Justice Center in Halle an der Saale, police officers, protesters, and camera crews assemble, while in the hearing room, Bjoern Hoecke complains about a smear campaign targeting him. His supporters allege that it's merely a catchphrase.

Does this situation feel familiar? It does.

For four court days in April and May, this scenario played out. And it will once again, with slight tweaks to the details, in the coming months. According to an announcement by the Regional Court of Halle on Wednesday afternoon, the upcoming primary hearing concerning Thuringian AfD chairman Bjoern Hoecke will commence on June 24. This trial focuses on the slogan "All for Germany." The phrase was engraved on the daggers of the SA and emblazoned on the stage of the NSDAP's Nuremberg Party Congress in 1936.

This time, the court has only allotted two hearing days. It is highly probable that Hoecke will be found guilty once more on June 26. The previous trial concluded in mid-May with a guilty verdict. The 5th Criminal Chamber imposed a fine of 100 euros per day, as the AfD leader had shouted the SA slogan at a rally in Merseburg in May 2021.

The court found Hoecke's assertion that he didn't know the meaning of his words unconvincing. The presiding judge Jan Stengel cited Hoecke's prior use of NS-related terms in his speeches and writings. In addition, he should have been aware that two of his party members in Saxony-Anhalt were being prosecuted for the same slogan. The 86a of the Criminal Code, which forbids Nazi symbols, was flagrantly disregarded by Hoecke, according to the court's determination.

While the sentence is substantial enough to result in potential consequences, such as the loss of Hoecke's civil servant status in Hesse, where he once worked as a history and sports teacher until 2014, it is not yet at that point. His three defense attorneys have filed an appeal against the decision. The ruling will not take effect until it has been evaluated by the Federal Court of Justice for any potential legal errors. The prosecution, which had initially called for six months' probation as well as a fine, later renounced its right to appeal.

There will also soon be another main hearing in Halle. This time, it revolves around a performance by Hoecke in December 2023 in Gera. He addressed an AfD event there, once more using the phrase "All for..." and gesturing to the audience to complete it. Some attendees followed suit and yelled "Germany!". Initially, the public prosecutor's office in Halle intended to try the Gera case alongside the Merseburg rally. However, they withdrew their request for this trial on the third day of the previous trial, claiming it was due to "procedural reasons".

Nonetheless, the video documenting the Gera event was featured during the initial trial - although only to provide context for the Merseburg allegation. It was not considered aggravating factors.

It seems likely that Hoecke is using the new trial to deliberately portray himself as a victim of justice in the public sphere. Utilizing a strategy similar to US presidential candidate Donald Trump, he relies on this sensationalization to rally new supporters and solicit financing.

In addition to this ongoing legal issue, Hoecke faces charges in another court. He will stand trial before the District Court in Thuringia's Mühlhausen regarding a post he shared on the social platform "Telegram" in 2022. In the post, Hoecke discusses the fatal knife attack of a Somali in Ludwigshafen. He stated that "probably the perpetrator is mentally ill and suffers from the widespread mental illness among immigrants, which makes them scream 'Allahu Akbar' and perceive the 'unbelievers' as life unfit for living". The prosecution considers the offense of incitement to hatred to be fulfilled in this statement.

However, it is not yet clear when the Mühlhausen trial will occur. The representative of the district court could not provide any hearing dates when asked by stern on Wednesday.

Additionally, Hoecke is already facing a different trial. It stems from a speech he made in January 2024 in Gera, during which he claimed that "Germany is no longer a functioning democracy." The Gera public prosecutor's office is currently considering whether to start investigations for the suspicion of incitement to hatred and defamation of the state.

Procedure for inciting hatred in Mühlhausen

Stay tuned for more updates. Hoecke is facing another trial in Mühlhausen, related to a post he shared on the social network "Telegram" in 2022. The post discusses a fatal knife attack in Ludwigshafen committed by a Somali perpetrator. Hoecke asserted that "probably the perpetrator is mentally ill and suffers from the widespread mental illness among immigrants, which makes them scream 'Allahu Akbar' and perceive the 'unbelievers' as a life unworthy of living." The prosecution views this as incitement to hatred. We await more details on this case.

Furthermore, Hoecke will face another trial in the future regarding a speech he made in Gera in January 2024. In the speech, he claimed that "Germany is no longer a functioning democracy." The Gera public prosecutor's office is currently examining the possibility of initiating investigations for potential charges of incitement to hatred and derogation of the state. We will continue to monitor this situation for further developments.

In conclusion, Hoecke is involved in multiple legal proceedings. He is facing a trial in Halle regarding his use of the Nazi slogan "All for Germany." He also faces a trial in Mühlhausen and another trial in Gera. While we wait for more information and updates, it seems that Hoecke's use of Nazi symbolism continues to spark controversy and legal proceedings. Stay tuned for further details.

Read also:

In the midst of these legal battles, Hoecke plans to speak in Mühlhausen, Saxony-Anhalt, where another trial awaits him due to a controversial comment he made on Telegram about a knife attack in Ludwigshafen.

Despite these ongoing court cases, Hoecke continues his political activities, scheduled to speak in Mühlhausen, potentially adding another conviction to his record.


