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After a long bout with cancer, Patrice Aminati is free of metastases.

Only weeks ago, Patrice Aminati reported that her cancer had spread to multiple organs. Now, her husband Daniel Aminati has provided an update: The metastases have disappeared.

- After a long bout with cancer, Patrice Aminati is free of metastases.

It was a liver spot on the neck that moved Patrice Aminati to see a doctor. The shocking diagnosis in the spring of the previous year: Black skin cancer. Soon afterwards, Aminati found out which other organs were affected by metastases. Treatments and examinations followed, not all of which were successful. Now, husband Daniel Aminati has given a joyful update.

Patrice Aminati is free of metastases

"On February 6th, we spontaneously drove to Oberhof in the Thuringian Forest and wanted to spend a few days as a family to distract ourselves, recharge, gain strength, and prepare for what was to come, especially for my wife. Her second cancer therapy began on Monday, February 12th - this time, immunotherapy via infusions," he writes on Instagram. "Almost exactly six months later, Patrice is finally free of metastases!" says the ProSieben moderator, who raves about the hotel where he spent time with his wife and daughter.

Aminati also hints that the couple might now be moving forward with their family planning. He is looking forward to the next family vacation: "Maybe then, God willing, with child number two!" says Aminati.

Daniel Aminati gives an update

Only in July did Patrice Aminati answer fan questions on Instagram. In response to a subscriber's question about their metastases, Aminati answered openly. "From the primary tumor on the neck," the cancer had spread to various organs: the lymph nodes, the lungs, the brain, the eye, the bones, the liver, the adrenal gland, and the skin.

She "hopes and prays" for a cure, Aminati said on the platform. "Cancer research is always evolving, there are always more possibilities." Her hope and prayers, but above all, modern medicine, seem to have had an effect: the metastases are gone.

In April 2021, Daniel Aminati and Patrice announced their engagement, followed by their wedding a year later. In August 2022, their daughter Charly Malika was born, followed by the shocking cancer diagnosis a year later.

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In his Instagram post, ProSieben moderator Daniel Aminati celebrates that his wife Patrice is now free from metastases.

During afan Q&A session on Instagram, Patrice Aminati revealed that cancer had metastasized to various organs including the lymph nodes, lungs, brain, eye, bones, liver, adrenal gland, and skin, but modern medicine seems to have helped in eliminating the metastases.

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