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After 14 years of marriage: David Lynch's wife wants a divorce

David Lynch and his wife Emily Stofle have separated. The 45-year-old has filed for divorce. It is already the fourth failed marriage for Lynch.

David Lynch and his still-wife Emily
David Lynch and his still-wife Emily

Director of "Twin Peaks - After 14 years of marriage: David Lynch's wife wants a divorce

The maker of classics such as "Twin Peaks", "Lost Highway" and "Mulholland Drive" is out of love. As the US celebrity portal "TMZ" reports, the wife of cult director David Lynch has officially filed for divorce. According to the report, Emily Stofle is demanding sole custody of their 11-year-old daughter Lula Boginia Lynch, spousal support and reimbursement of legal fees in her petition after 14 years of marriage. However, the 77-year-old is to be granted visitation rights for Lula. Nothing is yet known about a prenuptial agreement between the two.

The actress and the director met and fell in love on the set of the David Lynch film "Inland Empire" in 2006. They married in 2009. Their first and only daughter was born in 2012.

Director David Lynch has already been married three times

This would not be David Lynch 's first divorce - he has already been married three times. With his first wife Peggy, he has a daughter, Jennifer, who also works as a director. His second wife Mary Fisk gave him their son Austin, who is an actor, and with his third wife Mary Sweeney, David Lynch had their son Riley, who earns his living as a musician.

In an interview with the British newspaper "The Guardian " in 2018, the filmmaker said of his private life: "You have to be selfish. And that's a terrible thing. I never really wanted to get married, I never really wanted to have children. But one thing leads to another and that's the way it is." Nevertheless, he always put his work first, which meant that he wasn't the best husband and father: "I did what I had to do."

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