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Adele is living her dream of preparing food for school events

Singer Adele once prepared 60 chicken skewers for her son's school event. In this interview, she explains why she believes she is blossoming.

Singer Adele enjoys preparing food for her son's school events.
Singer Adele enjoys preparing food for her son's school events.

Singer - Adele is living her dream of preparing food for school events

Singer Adele ("Hello") says she likes to get into the kitchen for a while for her son's school events. "I'm blossoming a bit," the 35-year-old Brit told the US magazine "The Hollywood Reporter". She enjoys the fantastic sense of community at the school.

"The kids don't give a shit who I am," Adele explained. However, she gets nervous in front of lots of adults and strangers. "And that's why it's my dream to prepare food for school events." According to the Oscar, Golden Globe and Grammy winner, she once prepared 60 chicken skewers: "It went great. I spilled the turmeric everywhere, so it stained my whole kitchen."

The Brit lives with her son in Los Angeles.


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