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Adele grapples with stress due to home renovation.

Temporarily halt on US villa occupation.

Doesn't want to spill the beans at her US home, she wants to splash out: Adele.
Doesn't want to spill the beans at her US home, she wants to splash out: Adele.

Adele grapples with stress due to home renovation.

folks sure got a lot to talk about over construction site hiccups, ain't they? Adele's no exception. She's currently sprucin' up a fancy-schmancy house once owned by Sylvester Stallone in Beverly Hills. Reportedly bought for around 54 million euros, but the move-in date's been pushed back a bit.

According to "The Sun," Adele and her pal Rich Paul ain't livin' in the joint yet, and it might be a spell 'fore they do. "The Sun" also reports that Adele's tossin' more dough into the renovation budget.

The villa already packs eight bedrooms and twelve bathrooms, but Adele ain't satisfied. She's planning to add a whole new floor to the place, and build a garage fit for five whips, say sources.

In late May, a building application was filed, which "The Sun" supposedly dug up. Apparently, Adele plans to slap a "cool roof" on the place to pass muster with high-risk fire zone rules.

"That's no go"

The overhaul's being handled by the well-known Valle Reinis construction crew. Seems like the work's so extensive that hardly anything'll remain untouched. The one thing they won't be changing is a statue by the pool, showin' Stallone's boxin' character Rocky with his fist in the air. ol' Sly explains he wanted to take the statue with him when he scooted, but Adele said "That's no go. That'd bust the whole plan." She didn't wanna part with it, Sly said.

Allegedly tipsters told "The Sun" that Adele first had no intentions of makin' big changes, but Hollywood mavens she's workin' with suggested addin' an extra floor. The end result, they say, will be an enormous crib. Adele believes the investment'll pay off. "She aims to make it her forever home with her lad Angelo and her partner Rich," they say.

Recently, Adele confessed she dreams of a little prince or princess - preferably the latter. Son Angelo's from her union with Simon Konecki.

Adele and Rich Paul've been an item since summer 2021. In May 2022, Adele posted Insta pics of her and Rich oPIN her new abode. Rumors of a wedding swirled in 2023, but they were never officially confirmed.

Adele's set to perform in Munich for ten nights in August. Then she's headin' back to Vegas for ten concerts in October and November, endin' her "Weekends With Adele" residency after 100 shows. Maybe by then, Adele's dream house will finally be ready for move-in day.

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