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Actor Wiedemann on Combining Acting with Soccer

Julia Wiedemann, an actress from RTL, takes on a central defender role in her local league. As the European Football Championship begins, she discusses her love for these two passions and how they are connected.

The soccer player Julia Wiedemann and the actress Julia Wiedemann have learned a lot from each...
The soccer player Julia Wiedemann and the actress Julia Wiedemann have learned a lot from each other.

Strikingly Vibrant or Charmingly Hued - Actor Wiedemann on Combining Acting with Soccer

Actor Julia Wiedemann, best known for her role in the daily soap "Alles was zählt," has found success on the football field as well.

"I believe you need around 10% to 20% acting talent to kick off the European Championship this Friday," the 28-year-old states. "Theatrics are essential in the world of professional sports. Though outdated in the age of video proof, they're still useful, especially in district-level matches where video evidence isn't provided. It's practically a necessity."

Wiedmann, who plays the character Lucy Ziegler in "Alles was zählt," acknowledges her theatrical tendencies in real life. "I've honed the habit of lifting my hand when the ball's out of play, even if there's a chance it's not for our team. I'll even argue with the referee, trying to convince him of my perspective. Obviously, only when I'm certain I'm right and his judgement is faulty."

As a center-back on the district league team Hertha Rheidt near Bonn, she's been using her skills to relate her acting prowess to the sport.

Wiedmann recalls Neymar as a prime example of a gifted thespian in football, "Neymar is quite a skillful actor. I can't think of a specific instance, but he witnesses a fair amount of soap operatic displays on the field."

Admitting her use of acting on the field is minimal, it's only on occasions when she feels justified, "I refrain from playing unsportsmanlike moves. The occasional hidden foul is part of the game, but I don't fake injury or throw myself to the ground without cause."

The similarities between her acting and football life, as she puts it, are striking. "The footballer in me provides the perseverance needed not to give up, always believing I can win, even if I'm in the last minute of the game. Team spirit is instrumental, focusing on other players and providing support, which is useful both on screen and on the field. Dialogues during filming tie back to passing in football - you need to accept them and work with them. My acting background assists me in football by helping me project the impression of things not exactly as they seem. For instance, when I commit a foul, I'm very effective at making it appear unexceptional."

"Alles was zählt" airs on RTL each weekday from 19.05 to 19.40.

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