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Actor Jürgen Vogel opens up about his cancer journey.

Took the family by surprise

Jürgen Vogel (l.) with his great cousin Benjamin Vogel.
Jürgen Vogel (l.) with his great cousin Benjamin Vogel.

Actor Jürgen Vogel opens up about his cancer journey.

Actor Jürgen Vogel opens up about his painful family history on a talkshow. "We all meet our end eventually," the actor remarks. One of his sisters was saved from a young age, though, as she was afflicted with leukemia, a particularly vicious type of cancer. At around 21, Jürgen donated bone marrow to his sister, a decision that meant the difference between life and death for her.

He also discusses the untimely demise of his father. "My father passed away at the age of 58. Our relationship wasn't great at the time, but it still left an impact. Questions like 'I can no longer communicate, I can no longer ask questions' come up when someone dies, no matter the relationship," Vogel shares.

Death has been a recurring theme for the actor. "I have three sisters, all of whom have had or are still battling cancer. (...) One of them had breast cancer, luckily she caught it early. The other is still fighting her battle with cancer, that's also my oldest sister. She's doing well, but we all know it's something that's going to happen to us all eventually. We will all eventually die." Jürgen appeared on the show alongside his cousin, Benjamin Vogel, a trained nurse running a home. Benjamin shared insights from his work with an association (Palliativberatung basis e.V.) focused on end-of-life care.

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