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Actor Armie Hammer humorously discusses dining on human flesh.

"Individual Consumed Human Flesh"

Armie Hammer 2023.
Armie Hammer 2023.

Actor Armie Hammer humorously discusses dining on human flesh.

Scandalous allegations involving inappropriate conduct and cannibalism fantasies have effectively ended Armie Hammer's thriving Hollywood career. In a candid conversation on a podcast, the actor reflects on this challenging period of his life as a sort of catharsis.

Before 2021, Hammer was well on his way to stardom, but accusations of misuse and cannibalism fantasies brought his career to a sudden halt. Now, the star of "Call Me by Your Name" opens up about the saga. He has spent over three years enduring bitter lessons, from which he claims to have emerged wiser. At the onset of the accusations, he likens the sensation to being caught in a whirlwind, unable to do anything but shield himself. He felt the urge to step outside and shout, "This is insane! What's all the fuss about?"

He found the absurd things said about him - claims he can now view with a measure of detachment - particularly odd. "People called me a cannibal, and everyone believed them," Hammer reminisces, chuckling. "Do you know what you have to do to be a cannibal? You have to eat people! How was I supposed to become a cannibal? It was bizarre."

"The Demise of My Pride"

In 2021, Hammer was accused of misconduct based on messages reportedly written by him. These messages supposedly detailed violent sex fantasies and cannibalism. At the time, he issued a statement dismissing the allegations as "Bullshit." The ensuing scandal resulted in his agency dropping him and his withdrawal from a film alongside Jennifer Lopez titled "Shotgun Wedding."

Hammer describes the scandal and its aftermath as the downfall of his ego and his career. "No matter what people said, no matter what happened, I've reached a point in my life where I am grateful for every single piece of it," Hammer asserted. In his past life, he admits he was never content or fulfilled. He never found satisfaction, and he never had enough. He was never at a place where he could be proud of himself - where he could love and affirm himself. He only learned to give himself love and self-affirmation through the validation and admiration he received from his job.

When asked about his current acting career, Hammer hints that he is currently absent from the industry. However, he seems reluctant to completely abandon film, despite acknowledging that no offers are coming his way, and he is not welcomed in Hollywood. He confides in the podcast that he and a friend have penned a script, and the two are currently attempting to bring the project to fruition.

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