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Actor again the victim of burglars

Film star Keanu Reeves has fallen victim to burglars. Thieves wearing ski masks apparently stole a gun from his house.

Keanu Reeves has been
Keanu Reeves has been

Keanu Reeves - Actor again the victim of burglars

Keanu Reeves (59) has once again been the victim of a burglary. According to TMZ, a group of burglars wearing ski masks gained access to his property in Los Angeles early on Thursday morning (December 7). The perpetrators were filmed by security cameras as they smashed a window to gain access to the house. They are said to have stolen a weapon and made off with it.

A few hours before the incident, on Wednesday evening at around 7pm (local time), the police had been called to the Hollywood star's property by an anonymous caller who had reported an intruder. According toTMZ, officers from the Los Angeles Police Department searched the property but found nothing. They were called to the house again at around one o'clock in the morning after the burglars had gained access to the house and set off an alarm.

Not the first burglary at Keanu Reeves' home

Reeves was not at home at the time of the break-in. The actor, known for his role as burglar-hunting killer John Wick, has been the victim of burglary attempts on several occasions. In 2014, intruders gained access to his property twice within three days. Reeves was at home during both incidents. Unlike in "John Wick", however, no puppies were harmed in either of the break-ins.

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