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Abortion and the Capitol attack: two rulings that Trump supporters will be watching very closely

The US Supreme Court bends over two different and important cases: the attack on the US Congress and access to an abortion pill. Both rulings have implications for an already divided US society.

A turning point in US history: On January 6, 2021, supporters of then US President Donald
A turning point in US history: On January 6, 2021, supporters of then US President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol in

US Supreme Court - Abortion and the Capitol attack: two rulings that Trump supporters will be watching very closely

The US Supreme Court is dealing with a case concerning the storming of the US Capitol, which could also have a significant impact on the impeachment of former President Donald Trump. The Supreme Court in Washington has now announced that it will take up the matter. Specifically, it is reviewing an appellate ruling on an indictment against several rioters involved in the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. They are accused of obstructing official proceedings. This is also one of the charges against Trump in the election fraud proceedings in Washington. The Supreme Court is now examining the admissibility of this charge, among other things.

Capitol Storm verdict expected in March

The decision could not only affect the charges against Trump, but also hundreds of other charges in connection with the Capitol attack. Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol in Washington on January 6, 2021. Congress had convened there to formally confirm the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the presidential election. Trump had previously incited his supporters during a speech. Five people died as a result of the riots. A ruling by the Supreme Court is not expected until the middle of next year.

The Supreme Court also announced that it will deal with an important case on abortion law in the USA. The case concerns access restrictions for the abortion pill mifepristone, which an appeals court imposed in mid-August. They have not yet come into force because the legal dispute is still ongoing. The Court of Appeal ruled that certain access restrictions issued by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2016 should be revoked. These include sending the pill by post and taking it without a healthcare professional. The drug's distributor and the government of US President Joe Biden have appealed against this.

Anti-abortion activists sue against mifepristone

Mifepristone was approved in the USA in 2000 and is usually used with the drug misoprostol for abortion. Since the nationwide right to abortion was overturned, allowing parliaments in the US states to regulate by law whether abortions are permitted, mifepristone has gained in importance. Opponents of abortion have therefore filed a lawsuit against the approval of mifepristone in the US state of Texas. Their aim is to make access to medication abortion more difficult. The religious right and large sections of the Republican Party in particular have been trying to restrict the right to abortion in the USA for decades.

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