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A US university has bestowed the title of "Doctor of Litter-ature" on a person suffering from a hangover.

A notable figure at the college or university.

Doctor Max at his alma mater
Doctor Max at his alma mater

A US university has bestowed the title of "Doctor of Litter-ature" on a person suffering from a hangover.

Cat Max, a local celebrity at the University of Vermont, is now an esteemed academic after officials bestowed upon him an honorary doctorate. Max's notable title, "Doctor of Litter-atur," a clever pun on cat litter, does not stem from his prowess in hunting mice or his love of naps. Instead, his kindness endears him to the student body.

The campus community in Castleton considers Max their cherished mascot. The tabby tomcat, who has resided with his human family across from the campus's main entrance for four years, has built close relationships with students thanks to his approachable nature. His owner, Ashley Dow, shares that some students embrace the feline by carrying him in their arms and snapping photos with him. During campus tours, Max acts as a loyal companion to prospective students.

In the past, a gag-shrine was erected in Max's honor when he went missing from campus grounds. The shrine comprised candles and a framed image of the cat. Students would frequently send Dow texts of Max's whereabouts and even return him home if he was wandering the campus premises after 5 a.m.

Fortunately, Max won't attend the Saturday graduation ceremony to collect his certificate. Dow will instead receive it at a future date. [Simple paraphrase, keeping the humor and friendly vibe. The stucture is also preserved.]

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