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A tornado results in the death of 21 US citizens due to flooding.

"Path of destruction"

Die Behörden sprechen von einer Schneise der Verwüstung.
Die Behörden sprechen von einer Schneise der Verwüstung.

A tornado results in the death of 21 US citizens due to flooding.

The frequency and intensity of deadly tornadoes in the United States have surged, with authorities confirming at least 25 such incidents. The devastation is overwhelming and the storms are heading eastward.

A handful of tornadoes and other violent weather systems have wreaked havoc in southern American states, leaving behind at least 21 tragic deaths. The casualties have been reported in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kentucky, according to official reports. As the storms continue to advance toward the east coast of the US, more damage could be expected.

Since Saturday, a whopping 25 tornadoes have been accounted for, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Countless buildings have been leveled, and hundreds of thousands of homes are without power.

The National Weather Service of the country has issued a grim warning that the storms, as they progress toward the east coast, could give rise to damaging winds, hail, and the occasional tornado. The "severe weather threat" extends from the northern Great Lakes to the southeastern region of the US.

Monday in the US is Memorial Day, a national holiday.

Taking shelter in travel stops

In northwestern Arkansas, eight lives were lost, a spokesman from the disaster management agency revealed. While two of the deaths weren't directly related to the weather, they were considered indirect results of the storm. Sadly, one individual suffered a heart attack.

In Cooke County, northern Texas, at least seven people perished as a result of a tornado, sheriff Ray Sappington reported to the Weather Channel. He mentioned the possibility of further fatalities. A violent tornado in Cooke County turned cars into wreckage and laid waste to a rest stop that had served as a refuge for dozens of drivers. According to Sappington, numerous individuals were injured. In Texas, more than 100 people sustained injuries, and more than 200 structures were reduced to rubble, Governor Greg Abbott stated, declaring a state of disaster for multiple districts.

Four people perished in Kentucky, Governor Andy Beshear announced. At least two individuals lost their lives in Mayes County, Oklahoma, as per rescue services.

Lacking electricity for half a million households

By noon local time, over 530,000 households without electricity could be found in a region spanning from Arkansas to the southeastern state of Georgia, according to the website. In Kentucky, Governor Beshear informed that the storm inflicted "substantial damage" on the power grid. It may take a considerable amount of time to restore electricity throughout the state.

It's not uncommon for central and southern US regions to endure tornadoes during springtime. However, this year's tornado season has been considerably more intense than usual. CNN revealed that more than 800 tornadoes have already been recorded - an impressive figure when compared to previous years.

Not long ago, five individuals were claimed by tornadoes in Iowa. Over the weekend, residents of southern Texas complained of excessive heat. Experts suggest that climate change may be exacerbating severe weather conditions around the world.

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