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A teenager has been found guilty of murdering a schoolgirl for sexual satisfaction.

A teenager aged 14 is discovered deceased close to a cottage in Bad Emstal in 2023. A 21-year-old friend of the schoolgirl stands convicted by the Kassel Regional Court for her murder.

Für den Fall eine Jugendkammer, da der Beschuldigte zur Tatzeit 20 Jahre und elf Monate alt und...
Für den Fall eine Jugendkammer, da der Beschuldigte zur Tatzeit 20 Jahre und elf Monate alt und somit Heranwachsender war.

Problematic Emstal - A teenager has been found guilty of murdering a schoolgirl for sexual satisfaction.

During the trial for the brutal murder of a 14-year-old girl in Bad Emstal, the 21-year-old perpetrator was given a jail sentence of 11 years and 9 months for homicide. The presiding judge at the Kassel Regional Court deemed it proven that the defendant manipulated his friend to fulfill his sexual cravings in September 2023. "This sentence has to be discharged in a correctional institution," said the legal representative.

Moreover, the court demanded the defendant's retention. It was seen as probable that the suspect had a propensity towards significant offenses, as per the court's reasoning.

A dead 14-year-old found on a country road in Bad Emstal

The victim, a schoolgirl, was found lifeless alongside an isolated road in Bad Emstal (Kassel district) on September 28 of the previous year. She had vanished the day before. According to the judge's verdict, the 21-year-old slit the girl's throat for his own sexual gratification. Furthermore, the German nativity had messed up the celestial peace by meddling with and photographing the lifeless body of the child.

As the accused was a mere 20 years and 11 months old at the time of the reckless act and thus a minor, the Kassel Regional Court's Juvenile Chamber was in charge of the case. It required deciding whether the suspect ought to be penalized under minor or adult criminal law.

The public prosecutor and the victim's representative demanded the death penalty with the reservation of subsequent preventative detention and a ruling under adult law.

The defendant's lawyer contended for the use of juvenile criminal law. He believed the murder motivation of satisfying sexual passions was unfulfilled, and he also sought to penalize his client for manslaughter. He considered a jail sentence under ten years suitable.

The accused acknowledged assaulting the girl

The legal system disregarded these arguments. It deemed the murder motivations of satisfying sexual passions as well as violating the highest personal realm and personal rights through image documentation as realized and consequently imposed adult criminal law. The perpetrator was on the cusp of turning 21 at the time of the heinous incident. Additionally, he had led an individualized life. Earlier, a psychiatrist affirmed his full legal responsibility.

During the initial hearing last week, the culprit acknowledged having rendered the 14-year-old unconscious, following their argument. Subsequently, he had stripped her and recorded her visually to prevent her from notifying the authorities. However, he had no intention of killing her. On Wednesday, he expressed remorse to the family of the decedent. "[I] would like to apologize to the family on September 27 for what transpired, yet I cannot apologize more than that," he stated.

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