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A swimmer attempting to save his wife during a Rhine swim has gone missing.

During warm weather, the refreshing Rhine entices numerous individuals. However, taking a swim can be deadly, as was recently evident over the weekend.

An sogenannten Kribben oder Buhnen - ins Wasser ragende Kiesflächen - bilden sich oft gefährliche...
An sogenannten Kribben oder Buhnen - ins Wasser ragende Kiesflächen - bilden sich oft gefährliche Strudel und Strömungen.

Düsseldorf is a city in Germany. - A swimmer attempting to save his wife during a Rhine swim has gone missing.

Several individuals have been swept away by the current in the Rhine in Düsseldorf. A woman experienced critical injuries, while her husband is no longer found. The woman is in critical condition in the hospital, according to a representative from the Düsseldorf Fire Department. The husband had entered the river on Sunday to Save his wife, but he ended up in danger as well. While they were rescuing him, the woman was later pulled out of the water unconscious by emergency teams. The couple's two children were taken care of by emergency chaplains. Other relatives were also present, the spokesperson added.

There is no absolute prohibition on swimming in the Rhine as a federal highway, the fire department spokesperson noted. However, there are prohibitions at various locations, such as near buildings like bridges or at harbour entrances. "Undoubtedly, we advise against it due to the current speed," the spokesperson said. The currents are usually not visible under the still surface of the river. The suction of passing boats is also a risk.

In Germany, at least 378 people drowned in 2023, which is more than in the year before. 355 fatal drowning incidents were documented in 2022, the German Life-Saving Association (DLRG) stated in February. Particularly, the unguarded inland waters were highly perilous: 90% of the fatalities happened where there were no lifeguards available to respond in a crisis, the DLRG noted.

In particular, the count of deaths in rivers and canals rose substantially: The DLRG identified 135 drowning casualties in rivers in 2022 - compared to 105 in the previous year. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the number of fatal drowning incidents decreased relative to the national trend in 2023. The weather is regarded as a significant factor in the number of drowning events, as people are drawn to water bodies on sunny days.

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