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A sudden feeling of surprise or dismay

US media discusses the decision regarding Trump

Even Donald Trump, who is said to be a narcissist, was visibly affected by the verdict. But only...
Even Donald Trump, who is said to be a narcissist, was visibly affected by the verdict. But only for a short time.

A sudden feeling of surprise or dismay

The decision in the hush money trial against Donald Trump has caused a commotion. The twelve jurors came to a unanimous conclusion, finding him guilty on all counts. Trump momentarily displayed shock before quickly shifting into confrontational mode, launching a fundraising campaign for his campaign. The verdict has sparked numerous discussions among American media outlets. Above all, there's an open-ended question that remains unanswered: what will be the impact on Trump's presidential candidacy?

"Politico": "For several weeks, despite the ongoing proceedings and the distasteful details that emerged, the poll numbers in the presidential race remained relatively stable. However, a guilty verdict puts Trump in uncharted waters. A few polls even hint that he could suffer major setbacks in November."

"New York Times": "In a small Manhattan courtroom, a former American president and current Republican candidate was found guilty on 34 counts of fabricating business records on Thursday. The jury's decision and the information presented in court provide yet more evidence that Trump is incompatible with the role of president."

"Washington Post": "The verdict represents a significant blow to the likely GOP candidate, who during the entire trial outside of court repeatedly raged against the legal system, accusing it of persecuting him and proclaiming his innocence. (...) The verdict thrusts the country into unknown territory, and its repercussions on the entire US political scene can be felt for months to come."

"New York Post": "It's unclear how much the verdict will actually hurt Trump's chances in November: some polls suggest that the guilty verdict could benefit him by serving as proof that the Democrats have used the legal system against him."

"USA Today": "Trump's conviction by a unanimous New York jury marks another historic moment, the implications of which on the 2024 presidential elections are ambiguous. He is still eligible for the candidacy, and despite polling indicating that a conviction could damage his prospects, prominent Republican backers have swiftly come to his defense."

CNN: "Trump's conviction by a unanimous New York jury was a painful moment in a life marked by defiance, which includes financial peaks and valleys, three marriages, reality TV fame, frequent run-ins with the law, his 2016 victory as an outsider, a disruptive presidency, and a determined effort to undermine democracy to maintain power after his 2020 loss. The redness of his face in the courtroom suggests a deeply personal blow. Given that he stands a good chance of becoming the next president, this will also be a critical national test."

"Wall Street Journal": The verdict introduces a wild card into the race between Trump and President Biden, a contest that has been stagnant for months, as Trump has a slim lead in the crucial battleground states that will decide the winner.

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