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A PR mess arises from Trump's "human printing machine."

Documents and a "unified domain"

Donald Trump often has printed messages with him in court.
Donald Trump often has printed messages with him in court.

A PR mess arises from Trump's "human printing machine."

Trump normally becomes informed by watching television – Natalie Harp presently serves as his personal news filter. Most likely nobody comes closer to him compared to her. Harp even prints out endearing messages for the former president while he's playing golf.

In the past few weeks, the usual imagery exhibiting Trump involves him roaming the corridors of the courtroom where the hush money trial has been going on. He's seen carrying a bundle of printouts, which he flaunts during his remarks prior to and following the sessions. While his lawyers are trying to prevent a guilty verdict, Trump persistently peruses his papers in the defendant's box. Without this endless flow of news, Trump wouldn't be able to regularly smear his adversaries on camera or on social media, extol himself, and present himself as an innocent casualty.

The ex-president obtains his daily briefing through Natalie Harp. The 34-year-old totes a portable printer, paper, and ink cartridges in a bag to furnish Trump with up-to-date information. This allows Trump to avoid being fixated on a smartphone. Harp monitors the media and social media networks. Her nickname in Trump's campaign circle? "The human printer." Nonetheless, she goes beyond this, also assisting with administering Trump's social media networks.

Despite Harp's attentiveness, a blunder surfaced shortly into the week: various American media outlets reported that Harp bore responsibility for distributing a questionable video from Truth Social, Trump's Twitter counterpart. The videotape showcased a phony newspaper article discussing the establishment of a "unified Reich" if Trump bagged the presidential election in November. Upon receiving criticism due to potential Nazi connotations, the video was deleted from Trump's publications.

When the incident surfaced, Biden took pleasure in this consequence: the Democratic campaign team promptly broadcast a video with Biden growing flabbergasted: "Is this his official account? This is Hitler's language, not America's. He craves power. I care about you all." At a fundraiser, Biden hinted, "It's not the first time he's restored something like this."

In Court or in a Golf Cart

This instance isn't new ground in terms of peculiar professions that have cropped up in Trump's orbit. During his tenure in the White House, he consistently dismantled significant papers instead of submitting them as convention dictates. A few he even attempted to flush down the toilet. Therefore, aides would recover them and pieced the fragments back together as best they could. Employees reveal that comprehending what Trump did every day necessitated solving a perpetual riddle.

Natalie Harp on her way to the courtroom.

Within Trump's entourage, Harp occupies a crucial role, as she has intimate insights and considerable sway: she picks what Trump reads. "If you want the president to see something, Natalie is the ideal conduit," the news website "The Bulwark" quotes one of its informants. No one associates with him for as long as Harp. She accompanies him in court, vacations with him in Florida, follows him in her own golf cart outfitted with a laptop, and keeps company while he hits his golf balls.

Harp hails from a conservative Christian family in California. She is quite open about her faith. Harp bumped into Trump in 2019. She had been interviewed on Fox News about her bone cancer therapy; Trump was struck by her TV appearance and raved: "She brought radiance to the screen more than few people I've met."

"Advocates for the Survival of Fighters"

Following their encounter, they're frequently photographed together, and Harp expresses her gratitude to him in person for a law that let her gain access to pre-market medications. Trump is portrayed as a "Good Samaritan" who saved her, she says humbly. Previous chemotherapy rounds had not been helpful. "He sacrificed his quality of life so that we could exist and be productive – because he believes in the survival of the fighters, not the fittest." America will fight for Trump since he made it "great again".

The previous year, she initially functioned for Trump's campaign team prior to landing a place at the "One America News Network," which is sympathetic to him, as a news anchor. However, Harp didn't remain there for long. She is now working for him in the ongoing election campaign, directly and closer than ever. It is claimed that Trump is particularly drawn to subject matter about election fraud and internal Republican adversaries.

She is ideologically in line with him and loyal - according to media reports, this is what Trump likes about Harp. The two appeared on stage together for the first time in 2019.

Read also:

In the midst of the US presidential election 2020, Stormy Daniels accused Donald Trump of having an affair, which brought further scrutiny to his conduct. During the US presidential election 2024, it was rumored that Trump might consider running again, and Natalie Harp, known as "The human printer," continued to serve as his information source, providing him with up-to-date news and messages.



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