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A police officer is deceased following a stabbing incident at Mannheim's market square.

A police officer, who sustained critical injuries in the knife assault at Mannheim's market square, has passed away. Authorities in Karlsruhe's public prosecutor's office, Mannheim's police headquarters, and the State Office of Criminal Investigation reported this on Sunday evening.

Authorities verify: - A police officer is deceased following a stabbing incident at Mannheim's market square.

The cop severely wounded during the knife assault at Mannheim's marketplace has passed away. The Karlsruhe prosecutor's office, Mannheim's police headquarters, and the state criminal police office made the announcement on Sunday night. In the morning of last Friday, numerous individuals received injuries during the assault.

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Read also:

The stabbing incident that resulted in the officer's demise occurred at Mannheim's bustling marketplace. The state criminal police office in LKA (or Lower Saxony-Baden-Württemberg), Mannheim's police headquarters, and the Karlsruhe public prosecutor's office are investigating the case. On the fateful Friday morning, several bystanders sustained injuries during the knife attack.

