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A majority of Germans oppose the acknowledgment of Palestine.

Most United Nations countries consider Palestine a sovereign state, but Germany is not included in this group. The vast majority of Germans oppose such recognition.

Die Bundesregierung lehnt es aktuell ab, Palästina als Staat anzuerkennen.
Die Bundesregierung lehnt es aktuell ab, Palästina als Staat anzuerkennen.

Questionnaire - A majority of Germans oppose the acknowledgment of Palestine.

In a recent poll by "Stern" through Forsa, it was found that the majority of Germans do not approve of recognizing Palestine as an individual nation right now. The findings indicate that 50% of respondents disagreed with the idea, 38% in favor, and 12% were uncertain.

Privately, Spain, Ireland, and Norway have confirmed plans to acknowledge Palestine's sovereignty status on Tuesday. The German authorities, however, advocate for a two-state solution theoretically but are against this action for the present moment.

While the United Nations has seen the majority of its members acknowledge Palestine as a state, this does not stretch to influential Western countries such as the United States, Great Britain, and most EU states.

A survey with 1004 participants, conducted over phone calls on the 22nd and 23rd of May, produced these results.

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