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A DJ association voices disapproval over potential prohibitions of "L'amour toujours".

Giving in to demands.

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Mit den Raves hätten die Teilnehmer laut Labour-Abgeordneten Angela Rayner "ihr eigenes Leben und das ihrer Angehörigen in Gefahr gebracht". (Symbolbild)

A DJ association voices disapproval over potential prohibitions of "L'amour toujours".

The Professional Association of Disc Jockeys (BVD) has spoken out against the planned bans of the popular party song "L'amour toujours" at the Munich Oktoberfest and other German folk festivals. BVD President Dirk Wöhler reacted to the news by saying, "This is disastrous. Are we really going to start censoring songs now?" to Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND).

The track "L'amour toujours" by Italian DJ Gigi D'Agostino has been associated with racist slogans in recent days. In a video that caused widespread outrage, people at a bar on the North Sea island of Sylt could be seen shouting "Foreigners out" and "Germany for the Germans" to the beat of the music. The police are currently investigating. Several other similar incidents have been reported.

Due to these occurrences, the song will not be played at certain folk festivals, such as the Munich Oktoberfest, the Cannstatter Volksfest, and the Stuttgart fan zone for the European Football Championship. The gastronomers of the Erlanger Bergkirchweih have also decided not to play it, following an incident that involved racist slogans.

Wöhler criticized these bans, stating that they effectively gave in to right-wing extremists. He strongly condemned the re-wording of the hit with far-right text lines. Nevertheless, the incidents should not be the reason for such a ban. "Now more than ever, we should play this song to demonstrate that we are a multicultural society," said Wöhler.

Gigi D'Agostino himself has emphasized that his song is solely about love. "In my song 'L'amour toujours', it's about an incredible, incredible, and powerful feeling that connects people. It's the power of love that keeps me alive," the DJ said when asked about it on Saturday.

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