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PanoramaNewsAlsaceFranceSausheimCarDead baby

A dad leaves his 16-month-old baby unattended in the car, leading to the child's death.

Tragic incident in a parking lot in Alsace, France: a young child passed away in a locked car due to being forgotten by their parent, who was admitted to the hospital suffering from shock.

Die Rettungskräfte konnten dem kleinen Jungen in Frankreich nicht mehr helfen
Die Rettungskräfte konnten dem kleinen Jungen in Frankreich nicht mehr helfen

France Redefined: A New Look at the Country's Dynamic Landscape - A dad leaves his 16-month-old baby unattended in the car, leading to the child's death.

A baby, just sixteen months old, has passed away in France after being left in a car parked at a business lot. The father, unaware that his child was still in the nursery, headed straight to his work in Sausheim, near the German border, as reported by the Prosecutor's Office in Mulhouse. The young one went unnoticed in the car the entire day. The interior of the vehicle, parked out of the reach of shade, may have reached a scorching 47 degrees Celsius. The emergency services could not do anything to save the child. The parents were in the care of psychologists and the father himself was rushed to the hospital due to shock.

Forgotten Baby Syndrome

In the sweltering heat of up to 22 degrees on Tuesday, the inside of the car parked away from any shade might have heated up to a dangerous 47 degrees, according to "Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace". The emergency services dismissed any hope of reviving the child. The couple was being taken care of by psychologists. The father was rushed to the hospital due to the shock of the situation.

Experts have examined this phenomenon and called it the Forgotten Baby Syndrome. They believe that around one in every four parents of a baby or toddler have experienced this while driving, though with little to no severe outcomes.

Dr. David M. Diamond, an American professor of psychology, has delved into the topic extensively. He pinpoints stress, lack of sleep, or changes in routines as potential catalysts for forgetting the child. Automatic routines like driving to work can confuse the brain, leading to a false memory of not having the baby in the car.

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Despite the tragedy in Sausheim, located in the Alsace region of France, near the German border, raising awareness about the Forgotten Baby Syndrome is crucial. This syndrome, which affects one in four parents of young children, can happen due to stress, lack of sleep, or changes in routines, leading to the unfortunate forgetting of a child in a car.

In the context of Alsace, which has experienced its fair share of weather-related incidents, it's essential to remember the dangers of leaving children unattended in vehicles, even during milder weather conditions.


