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A 35-year-old person lost their life at a cargo station in Karlsruhe.

Tragic incident in Karlsruhe: A man climbs onto a tanker car at the rail yard, resulting in a fatal electric shock.

Am Güterbahnhof in Karlsruhe ist es zu einem tödlichen Unfall gekommen.
Am Güterbahnhof in Karlsruhe ist es zu einem tödlichen Unfall gekommen.

In Baden-Württemberg, a dispute has arisen. - A 35-year-old person lost their life at a cargo station in Karlsruhe.

A 35-year-old man met his demise at the Karlsruhe cargo yard when he encountered an electric wire overhead on an abandoned carriage. The police shared that this incident occurred at dawn on a Monday morning when the man, along with his items and bike, climbed onto the vintage train engine in an attempt to join a train ride.

The Federal Police warned the public about the severity of overhead lines, stating that up to 15,000 voltage may flow through them. They cautioned, "Even being close to 1.5 meters to the overhead line can result in fatal consequences."

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