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40 years of the music show "Formel Eins"

The ARD video clip show "Formel Eins" turned 40 this year. Looking back, it is considered a milestone in German music television. At first, Peter Illmann was disappointed.

The presenters of the classic clip show "Formel Eins", Ingolf Lück (r) and Peter Illmann.
The presenters of the classic clip show "Formel Eins", Ingolf Lück (r) and Peter Illmann.

TV tip - 40 years of the music show "Formel Eins"

Kabel eins is celebrating the anniversary of a cult show this Thursday (8.15 pm). In "40 Years of Formula One", stars such as Matthias Schweighöfer, Thomas Anders, Markus Mörl, Lisa Feller, Nilz Bokelberg and Anastasia Zampounidis throw a party for the 1980s. The hosts are the former "Formel Eins" presenters Peter Illmann, Ingolf Lück and Kai Böcking. The format, launched in 1983 as an ARD program, was later also shown for a while as a retro program on Kabel eins.

Today, "Formel Eins" is considered a milestone in German music television, in which young German TV audiences were able to see artistic music videos by bands and acts such as Grace Jones, Depeche Mode, Madonna and Peter Gabriel week after week for the first time - while MTV was still more of a niche phenomenon in Germany. First Illmann hosted, later Lück, then Böcking. Stefanie Tücking (1962-2018), who died far too young, was also the face of the show for many years.

Peter Illmann still remembers the very first "Formel Eins" show well, as he told the broadcaster Kabel eins in an interview. "The first act was Rainhard Fendrich. And Kajagoogoo got the first prize for the number one - the headlight bulb of a turquoise Isetta, which we took apart bit by bit week by week." The colorful little car from the 1950s gradually became a car wreck.

He was "actually a bit disappointed at first", Illmann recalls. "I had thought to myself: now comes the big TV show with the show steps and me in a nice suit. And it wasn't like that at all. On the contrary!" says Illmann. "The suit was a smudged overall and the backdrop was garbage, in the truest sense of the word. It was only afterwards that I realized that "Formel Eins" deliberately wanted to be different from "Disco" with Ilja Richter, for example." Richter had presented slick disco pop in a tuxedo in the previous decade.

The music on "Formel Eins" was often edgier, which Illmann says gives it a special charm to this day. As a radio presenter on the 80s-heavy station "80s80s", he often gets feedback from young people today: "Then it's actually the music that interests them. They completely rediscover Prince or Peter Gabriel, for example. People whose music has lots of rough edges."

That's not necessarily always the case today. "The music is good too, but if I wanted to say something about Coldplay, I wouldn't know what to say," says Illmann. "It's all become a bit smoother."

For older people, it's also a way of life: "Firstly, you were younger, and secondly, from today's perspective, you think to yourself: oh gosh, not everything was always good back then either, but somehow it was at least understandable and felt easier."

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