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33 individuals in Munich experienced gastrointestinal issues following a spring festival.

Probe initiated

Media report: 33 people with gastrointestinal complaints after Munich spring festival
Media report: 33 people with gastrointestinal complaints after Munich spring festival

33 individuals in Munich experienced gastrointestinal issues following a spring festival.

Authorities in Munich have received reports of over 30 people experiencing stomach issues after attending the spring festival there. Der Spiegel's advance report quoted the health department about ongoing investigations together with the food monitoring department. Munich Spring Festival took place from April 19th to May 5th.

Recently at the end of April, Stuttgart's spring festival also witnessed a suspected norovirus outbreak in one of the tents, with more than 700 individuals affected. However, Stuttgart city authorities have stated that the food served at the affected tent tested negative. Hence, they suspect the issue was caused by person-to-person transmission. Der Spiegel was uncertain if the norovirus outbreak had reached Munich as well.

It's also worth mentioning that the media report hints at the seriousness of the situation regarding these stomach ailments. So far, 33 reports have been received by the authorities. It must be noted that the investigations into these incidents are ongoing, and measures have been taken to ensure people's safety. Keep an eye on the situation as more details come to light.

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