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19-year-old German national found dead in Argentina.

Remains uncovered in national park

Bergretter suchen auf dem Cerro de las Tres Marías in der Provinz San Juan nach der vermissten...
Bergretter suchen auf dem Cerro de las Tres Marías in der Provinz San Juan nach der vermissten Deutschen.

19-year-old German national found dead in Argentina.

In photos captured from a surveillance camera, a 19-year-old German girl named Julia is last seen alive as she steps off a bus on a Thursday before planning to hike the mountain in western Argentina's San Juan region. Rescuers have since announced the discovery of a body.

As authorities searched for the missing German woman, the team stumbled upon a corpse. "We found a body that could be the German woman. She was found in a ditch, 30 meters from the path," said Prosecutor Ignacio Achem in the evening on the TN TV station. "It's highly probable that it's her. Everything matches, but we want to wait for the scientific confirmation."

Julia had vanished after embarking on a hike at Cerro de las Tres Marías mountain in the province of San Juan. Her last known whereabouts were on Thursday, and in the CCTV footage, it's clear she got off a tour bus, crossed the road, and started her journey up the mountain.

The hunt for Julia was complicated by treacherous weather. She arrived in Argentina as a volunteer with the exchange organization Youth For Understanding (YFU) from Germany, and the specific town in Germany she hailed from was initially unknown.

Father: She was skilled in trekking

The Argentine police confirmed to the "Bild" newspaper that the discovered body is that of the missing 19-year-old Julia H. Her body was found with the assistance of a helicopter in hard-to-reach areas. Just prior to this, her parents had arrived at the national park. As her father Peter told Argentine media, his daughter was no stranger to trekking tours. She had trekked across the Alps, for instance. The details surrounding her accident remain unclear.

Nearly 150 individuals were engaged in the search mission, consisting of the San Juan police with helicopters and drones, mountain specialists, firefighters, disaster relief, army troops, and tracking dogs.

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Despite international efforts, the investigation into Julia's misfortunes in Argentina continues, as authorities await scientific confirmation of the identity of the body discovered during the search. The young German had a passion for trekking, having previously undertaken challenging hikes in places like the Alps.


