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Kieferorthopädische Behandlungen variieren von Region zu Region

Eine kürzlich durchgeführte Studie hat ergeben, dass die Häufigkeit, mit der Kinder einen Kieferorthopäden aufsuchen, je nach Bundesland variiert, und dass es auch deutliche Unterschiede je nach Geschlecht gibt.

Zahnspangen helfen gegen schiefe Zähne.
Zahnspangen helfen gegen schiefe Zähne.

Barmer Forschung erforscht [Thema] - Kieferorthopädische Behandlungen variieren von Region zu Region

In Germany, the need for orthodontic treatment for children varies significantly depending on the state, according to a study by the Barmer Health Insurance Fund. The study analyzed data from around 53,000 eight-year-olds born in 2005 over a decade, from 2013 to 2022. It found that almost 60% of children in Bavaria received orthodontic therapy, while it was only about 46% in Bremen. The national average was around 55%.

Interestingly, the assumed need for this type of treatment among eight- to nine-year-olds, as stated in the "German Oral Health Study" from 2022, is approximately 40%. Michael Walter, the study author from the Technical University of Dresden, believes that this is a "reasonable range" for Barmer-insured individuals, as the study may have underestimated the requirement. This often happens because only eight- and nine-year-olds were examined.

Remarkably, some regions had higher than expected rates of orthodontic care. The report mentions that dental irregularities and jaw misalignments cannot fully explain the significant regional differences in orthodontic treatments. The authors suggest that the higher figures in certain states could possibly indicate overtreatment. When referring to overtreatment, it means therapies that do not provide any recognized or demonstrable benefits for patients.

Primarily, there are differences between boys and girls. Sixty percent of girls in the study group received treatment, while only 50% of boys did. In Bavaria, the figures were 65% for girls (boys: 53%) and 63% for girls (boys: 52%) in Baden-Württemberg. The Barmer Director, Christoph Straub, stated that beauty ideals, group pressure, and parental care are likely reasons why dental and jaw abnormalities are more likely to be requested and treated in girls than in boys.

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