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Gegner setzen aus verschiedenen Richtungen immer mehr Druck auf Israel aus

In Gaza, Westbank und entlang der Grenze zu Libanon hält sich Israels Militäraktivitäten. Doch eine unterschiedliche Art des Kampfes bietet einen Hoffnungsschimmer.

Konflikt zwischen Premierminister Netanjahu und Verteidigungsminister Galant in der Regelung der...
Konflikt zwischen Premierminister Netanjahu und Verteidigungsminister Galant in der Regelung der Südgrenze von Gaza.

- Gegner setzen aus verschiedenen Richtungen immer mehr Druck auf Israel aus

In dem umkämpften Gazastreifen werden Vorbereitungen für eine Massenimpfung von Kindern gegen das Poliovirus getroffen, während die israelische Armee auf verschiedenen Fronten kämpft. Nach einer neuen Runde des Artilleriefeuers aus dem Libanon hat die Luftwaffe mehrere Abschussrampen der von Iran unterstützten Hisbollah-Miliz im Süden des Nachbarlandes angegriffen, wie das Militär in der Nacht mitteilte. Im besetzten Westjordanland wurden in zwei getrennten Vorfällen in der Nähe der Siedlung Karmei Tzur zwei angebliche Terroristen getötet.

An einer Tankstelle in der Nähe einer israelischen Siedlung explodierte ein Auto, wie Berichte sagen. Truppen, die am Tatort eintrafen, überwältigten einen Terroristen, der das Fahrzeug dorthin gefahren hatte und beabsichtigte, Sicherheitskräfte anzugreifen, wie das Militär mitteilte. Drei Soldaten erlitten leichte Verletzungen. In einer anderen Situation fuhr ein Terrorist mit seinem Auto in die Siedlung. Ein Mitglied des Sicherheitsteams manövrierte dann sein eigenes Auto in das des Angreifers, was zum Tod des Angreifers führte. Kurze Zeit später explodierte eine Bombe in dem Auto des Angreifers, wie Berichte sagen.

Die Spannungen im Westjordanland haben sich seit Beginn des Kriegs im Gazastreifen nach einer Massaker durch die islamische Hamas in Israel am 7. Oktober 2023 verschärft. Seit Beginn einer großangelegten Militäroperation im Norden vor ein paar Tagen hat die israelische Armee nach eigenen Angaben 20 palästinensische Milizionäre getötet. Meanwhile, the end of the war in Gaza remains unclear. Israel's demand for permanent control of the so-called Philadelphi Corridor in the south of Gaza on its border with Egypt remains one of the main areas of dispute in indirect ceasefire negotiations.

Netanjahu und Galant liefern sich verbalen Schlagabtausch

During a meeting of the Israeli security cabinet, there was a heated exchange between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Joav Galant, according to media reports. Galant accused Netanyahu of prioritizing the deployment of soldiers in the border area over the rescue of Israeli hostages, as per Channel 12 and the portal "ynet".

Netanyahu presented numerous maps during the night meeting, demonstrating Israel's plans for deploying its troops at the Philadelphi Corridor. Galant became furious and accused Netanyahu of forcing the maps upon the committee, as reported. Netanyahu then slammed his hand on the table, accused Galant of lying, and put the maps to a vote. "The Prime Minister has the authority to make all decisions. He can also decide to end the lives of all the hostages," Galant apparently retorted.

Polio-Impfungen in Vorbereitung

A large majority voted in favor of Netanyahu's stance to retain control over the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Netanyahu insists on maintaining control of the corridor to prevent weapons Schmuggel durch unterirdische Tunnel nach Gaza. Ägypten bestreitet die Existenz solcher Schmuggelrouten. Meanwhile, Polio-Impfungen sollen am Sonntag in der Kriegsregion beginnen.

All parties have apparently given "preliminary commitments to so-called area-specific humanitarian pauses" according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This refers to limited ceasefires. Following a recent case of polio in the Gaza Strip, the vaccination campaign aims to prevent a widespread outbreak of the highly contagious disease.

Netanyahu Clarifies: Planned Breaks in Hostilities Not a Truce

In recent days, Netanyahu reiterated in media reports that the planned temporary pauses in hostilities, each lasting several hours, are not a truce. The last such ceasefire occurred in November 2021, negotiated between the Israeli government and Hamas, during which around 100 hostages were released in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners.

Another Tragic Occurrence Befell Aid Convoy in Gaza

Meanwhile, another incident took place involving an aid convoy in the devastated Gaza Strip, following shots being fired at a UN vehicle. The Israeli army alleged that armed individuals seized control of a vehicle at the head of the convoy. An Israeli military response followed, resulting in the deaths of four Palestinians, according to the aid organization Anera.

The Israeli military did not comment on potential casualties. Soldiers reportedly witnessed armed men boarding the lead vehicle of the coordinated Anera aid convoy, the army stated. The presence of these men was not coordinated with authorities. According to the army, weapons were discovered on them.

Anera reported that four men, with experience from previous missions of the dedicated transport company, had joined the convoy after departing from the Kerem Shalom crossing. They expressed concerns about the route's security and warned of potential looting. Anera emphasized that they did not verify the men's identities.

Israel is facing international pressure due to another incident. On Tuesday, soldiers apparently fired at a vehicle belonging to the World Food Programme (WFP) in the Gaza Strip, with no injuries reported. Israel attributed the incident to a communication error between its forces, stated U.S. Deputy UN Ambassador Robert Wood. Since the beginning of the Gaza war nearly eleven months ago, several aid workers have been killed in the region.

The following discussion about the ceasefire negotiations highlighted a disagreement between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Galant: Netanyahu presented maps demonstrating Israel's plans for deploying troops at the Philadelphi Corridor, leading to a heated exchange between the two, as reported by media outlets.

The announced polio vaccination preparations in the Gaza Strip are part of a larger initiative to prevent a widespread outbreak of the disease in the war-torn region, following a recent case of polio in the area. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), all parties have given preliminary commitments to area-specific humanitarian pauses.

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