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Die Zahl der Todesopfer des Sturms "Beryl" im Süden der USA steigt auf fünf

Die Zahl der Todesopfer des Sturms "Beryl" im Süden der USA ist auf fünf angestiegen. Eine Person sei gestorben, nachdem ein Blitzschlag möglicherweise ein Feuer ausgelöst habe, sagte der Bürgermeister der von Orkanböen und Überschwemmungen heimgesuchten Millionenstadt Houston im Bundesstaat...

Zerstörtes Haus in Surfside Beach, Texas
Zerstörtes Haus in Surfside Beach, Texas

Die Zahl der Todesopfer des Sturms "Beryl" im Süden der USA steigt auf fünf

In Louisiana's State, a woman's death was reported. According to local police reports, she was killed when a tree fell on her house.

"Beryl" hit the Texas Gulf Coast on a Montagmorgen (local time) with wind speeds of 130 Kilometer pro Stunde. However, the storm lost power in the hours following its arrival in the state and was downgraded by the USA's National Hurricane Center (NHC) from a Hurrikan to a tropischer Sturm.

The hurricane had caused severe damage in the past few days in norther Venezuela, various Caribbean islands, and the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula. "Beryl" was the first hurricane since records began to reach Kategorie 4 Stärke at the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season in June. Later, it even intensified to the highest hurricane category 5, before weakening again. More than a dozen people have already lost their lives due to "Beryl".

The storm, named "Beryl," also affected the southern part of the USA, specifically the city of Houston. The flooding caused by the storm led to evacuation orders in certain areas. Despite the weakening of "Beryl," it still posed a significant threat, as reported by authorities in Süd-Louisiana. Tragically, another life was claimed during this time, a woman in Süd-Louisiana who was unlucky enough to be in the path of a falling tree during the storm.

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