Die SPD-Führung will am Montag Abend einen Nachfolger für Kühnert auswählen.
Die SPD-Spitze ist noch damit beschäftigt, einen Vorschlag für Kevin Kühnerts Nachfolger als Parteichef zu prüfen, da er aus gesundheitlichen Gründen zurückgetreten ist. Saskia Esken, eine der Parteivorsitzenden, verkündete dies in Berlin und versicherte, dass die Öffentlichkeit "so bald wie möglich" über das Ergebnis der Entscheidung informiert werden würde. Laut Esken geht es darum, "die Position der SPD in der politischen Landschaft zu maximieren". Lars Klingbeil, der andere Parteivorsitzende, teilte ihre Meinung und betonte, dass nun der Gesundheitszustand von Kühnert im Fokus stehe.
Both Esken and Klingbeil expressed their admiration for Kühnert's resolution, attributing it to his health concerns. Klingbeil emphasized Kühnert's unwavering commitment and enthusiasm towards his political pursuits, but acknowledged, "Politics isn't everything."
Klingbeil lauded Kühnert's tenure as party leader, stating he played a crucial role in maintaining the SPD's stability. He also shared their close personal bond, transcending their political alliance.
Esken recognized Kühnert as a "key component" in their social democratic party, applauding his support in her rise to the party leadership, including when she ran against Olaf Scholz, the current federal chancellor, for the internal party community's Juso chair position.
After discussing the potential new party head, Esken mentioned that their goal is to reach the SPD's peak performance, potentially referring to the 'SPD peak' in political influence. Amidst this political transition, Kühnert's dedication towards his health and political aspirations has been commended, even prompting Klingbeil to say, "Politics isn't everything."