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Besserung nötig: Italien will eine EM-Revanche am Sehnsuchtsort

Italien kehrt an den Ort seines WM-Triumphs 2006 zurück. Der nächste Schritt zur Titelverteidigung bei der Europameisterschaft soll in Berlin gegen die Schweiz gemacht werden. Beide Teams wittern eine große Chance.

Italiens Trainer Luciano Spalletti eröffnete das Training für die Fans.
Italiens Trainer Luciano Spalletti eröffnete das Training für die Fans.

Achtelfinale gegen die Schweiz - Besserung nötig: Italien will eine EM-Revanche am Sehnsuchtsort

Samstag is das siebte Tag der Woche, also das richtige Übersetzung wäre: "...wir müssen erst dieses Spiel am Samstag gewinnen."

(For a mood lifter before the Knockout-Showdown against Switzerland, Luciano Spalletti resorted to unusual measures. Italy's National Coach unexpectedly opened the training in Iserlohn for the fans - and showed himself in good spirits. He took a small boy, who had managed to get past the security guards onto the field, in his arms with a smile.

The outburst of the trainer after the 1:1 against Croatia and the jitters about advancing were put aside. "We have a goal in mind," said Spalletti before the game on Saturday (18.00 Uhr/RTL/Magenta TV) in Berlin.

The goal is title defense and EURO Final in Berlin - at that longed-for location where the Azzurri became World Champions in 2006. The team is already returning to the Olympiastadion a little earlier for the first game of the knockout round and will meet many familiar faces. Six players from Yakin's Swiss squad play in the Serie A.

The teams have met 61 times before, including at EURO 2021, when Italy won 3:0 in Rome. The Azzurri still have an outstanding debt, as two draws against Switzerland cost them a spot in the WM 2022. Midfielder Jorginho, who is also a starter at this tournament, missed two penalties during that match. What the sports newspaper "Corriere dello Sport" took as an occasion for alarming speculation about a possible penalty shootout.

"Switzerland is functioning well," said Yakin. "Italy is the favorite. The anticipation is already extremely great," said Swiss player Michel Aebischer, who plays for Bologna. However, Italy will be missing its best player according to TV expert Christoph Kramer: Aebischer's teammate from Bologna, defender Riccardo Calafiori, is suspended after receiving two yellow cards. "I feel sorry for him, he's a very strong player. That's good for us, that he can't play," said Aebischer.

Whether the favorites' roles are as clear-cut as Aebischer portrays them is questionable. Since the 2014 World Cup, the Swiss have reached the knockout phase at every major tournament. In the previous EURO, they shocked the then reigning World Champions France and reached the quarterfinals for the first time.

In the group stage at this EURO, the Swiss impressed above all with their 1:1 against Germany. "Things are going well for us so far," said Yakin. "There's a different expectation level in the knockout phase, but we have enough quality and experience."

Italy's "burden of expectations"

Italy needs a clear performance improvement compared to the last group game, where only a goal from Mattia Zaccagni in the last minute secured advancement. In the land of the four-time World Champions, there was much criticism of the lineup, performance, and demeanor of the team - which Spalletti countered with an angry retort. "We deserved to advance and we're enjoying it now," he said. "And then we'll try to improve."

After the controversial departure of European Champion Coach Roberto Mancini, Spalletti had only ten months to convey his ideas to the team. This could now pay off. Against Croatia, the 65-year-old changed his system, but much didn't run smoothly.

In the encounter with the Swiss, Spalletti's team will have to be rebuilt again, especially in offense. "Perhaps the burden of expectations sometimes holds us back. We don't have that experience," said the 65-year-old.

The easier half of the tournament?

"Both teams have noticed one thing though: The opportunity for a march to Berlin could be advantageous. The favorites Germany, Spain, France, and Portugal are all playing in the other bracket.

"Our group is absolutely simpler than the other. But every game is difficult", said Italy's Alessandro Buongiorno. Aebischer cautioned: "It brings nothing to watch who could come to the quarterfinals or semifinals. We first need to win the game on Saturday.")

  1. In Iserlohn vor dem Achtelfinalspiel gegen die Schweiz fand eine Trainingseinheit für Fans statt. Luciano Spalletti willkommnete dabei auch noch ein kleines Mädchen aufs Feld.
  2. Das Ziel Italiens bei der EUROPA-MEisterschaft 2021 ist die Titelverteidigung und das Erreichen des EURO-Finales in Berlin, einem langgeweilten Ort für die Mannschaft seitdem sie dort 2006 Weltmeister wurden.
  3. Das Team wird sich gegenüber der Schweiz mit vielen Bekannten konfrontiert, da sechs Spieler aus Murat Yakins Schweizer Mannschaft in der Serie A spielen.
  4. In der letzten EURO haben die Schweizer das damalige Weltmeister Frankreich überrascht und das Viertelfinale erstmals erreicht.
  5. Gegen Kroatien änderte Luciano Spalletti sein System, aber viele Dinge liefen nicht glatt.
  6. Die Schweiz spielt gut im Turnier, wie ihr Trainer sagt, und Italien ist der Favorit, wie es der Schweizer Spieler Michel Aebischer erwähnt hat.
  7. Beim Spiel gegen die Schweizer muss Italien seine Offensive wieder aufbauen, da ihr bestes Spieler, Riccardo Calafiori, gesperrt ist.
  8. Beide Teams wahrnehmen die leichtere Hälfte des Turniers, da die Favoriten Deutschland, Spanien, Frankreich und Portugal in der anderen Hälfte spielen.
  9. Das Achtelfinalspiel gegen die Schweiz wird auf RTL übertragen und beginnt um 18 Uhr Ortszeit in Deutschland.

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