- Incidente terrorista em Solingen <unk> IS presumivelmente reivindica a responsabilidade
Após o incidente fatal de esfaqueamento em Solingen, o grupo terrorista do Estado Islâmico (EI) assumiu a responsabilidade pelo evento. A polícia de Düsseldorf também recebeu uma reivindicação de responsabilidade do EI em relação ao incidente que resultou em três mortes e vários feridos. É crucial verificar a autenticidade dessa reivindicação, de acordo com um porta-voz da polícia. Durante a perseguição ao perpetrador, forças especiais invadiram um abrigo para refugiados na área central de Solingen à noite.
Um agressor não identificado aparentemente atacou aleatoriamente transeuntes durante uma celebração jubilar de Solingen na Bergisches Land na sexta-feira à noite. O atacante conseguiu fugir no meio do pânico e da confusão que se seguiram. Dois homens com 67 e 56 anos, além de uma mulher de 56 anos, foram fatalmente feridos. Oito pessoas ficaram feridas, quatro gravemente. De acordo com a avaliação atual e a análise de filmagens preliminares, o ataque parece ser um "ataque altamente direcionado" nos pescoços das vítimas, de acordo com o chefe de polícia Thorsten Fleiß.
Declaração do EI: "Vingança pelos muçulmanos na Palestina"
Em uma declaração publicada no canal de propaganda do EI, Amak, afirmou-se que o atacante era um membro do EI que executou o ataque "em retaliação pelos muçulmanos na Palestina e em outros lugares". O objetivo por trás do ataque era principalmente alvo de "um grupo cristão".
Presume-se que o EI se refira ao conflito em andamento entre Israel e Hamas na Faixa de Gaza como "Palestina". É importante notar que nem o EI nem a organização terrorista Al-Qaeda têm qualquer afiliação com o Hamas. No entanto, alguns analistas acreditam que a ameaça do terrorismo e a radicalização no mundo islâmico aumentaram devido ao conflito prolongado em Gaza. A Alemanha, junto com os EUA, conta entre os principais aliados e fornecedores de armas de Israel.
Busca no abrigo para refugiados
Foi anunciado tarde que a polícia conduziu uma busca em um abrigo para refugiados na área central de Solingen com força significativa. "Recebemos algumas pistas e, com base nelas, estamos executando medidas policiais agora", disse um porta-voz da polícia. Uma unidade de forças especiais foi Deployment for this operation. The area was surrounded by a force of a hundred strong.
In a press conference in Wuppertal in the afternoon, the Chief Public Prosecutor Markus Caspers said, "We have yet to establish a motive, but in light of the overall circumstances, we cannot rule out the possibility of a terrorist motivation."
If there's sufficient evidence to charge a terrorist crime, the case might be handed over to the Federal Prosecutor General. Investigations are ongoing for suspected murder in three cases and attempted murder, along with grievous bodily harm, in eight further cases, as Caspers explained. The police currently suspect a lone attacker. According to police chief Fleiß, there's still no clear image material of the suspect.
Charges against 15-year-old for failing to report planned crime
Reports stating that the murder weapon had been recovered were yet to be confirmed by Fleiß. Several knives were seized, "which we will now examine individually" to ascertain which one was used in the crime. Several details, such as those relating to the knives or the sequence of incidents, remained unanswered due to tactical investigative reasons.
A 15-year-old juvenile has been arrested, but the police do not consider him to be the prime suspect. Charges of failing to report a planned crime are being considered against him. "According to witness testimonies, an unidentified individual is alleged to have spoken with the juvenile about intentions that would correspond to the crime shortly before the attack," Caspers stated.
Emergency calls were received by the police at 21:37.
Report describing the events of Friday evening at 21:37 when several emergency calls were made to the Wuppertal police headquarters control center. It was reported that a man had intentionally stabbed people at the 650th anniversary celebration of Solingen - the "Festival of Diversity".
This incident sparked outrage throughout Germany. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) described it as a "monstrous crime". "Such acts should not be tolerated or accepted in our society. The full force of the law must be brought to bear here," said the SPD politician during an event in Brandenburg's Stahnsdorf.
Recently, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) proposed strengthening gun control laws.
Witnesses can submit photos and videos through the police's tip portal (www.nrw.hinweisportal.de). The city of Solingen has set up a hotline for citizens seeking information about missing persons (0212 - 290-2000). Reports of inquiries from concerned relatives have emerged.
Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann announced consultations on knife regulations. "We will now engage in discussions within the federal government on how to further advance the struggle against this type of knife crime," said the FDP politician to "Bild am Sonntag".
So far, the FDP has rejected the proposals for stricter gun control put forth by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). The SPD advocates for significant tightening of the laws. In public, knives should only be carried with a blade length of up to six centimeters instead of the current twelve centimeters. There should be a blanket ban on carrying dangerous switchblades.
The European Union, expressed concerns about the rising threat of terrorism and radicalization in the Islamic world following the prolonged conflict in Gaza. German authorities, in their investigation, are considering terrorism as a possible motive in the stabbing incident in Solingen.