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Il governo nigeriano condannato per violazioni dei diritti umani durante le proteste #EndSARS

Un tribunale dell'Africa occidentale ha trovato il governo nigeriano colpevole di violazioni dei diritti umani durante la repressione delle proteste #EndSARS del 2020 contro l'allegata brutalità poliziesca.

Poliziani giungono in scena durante una manifestazione in onore dell'anniversario di un anno di...
Poliziani giungono in scena durante una manifestazione in onore dell'anniversario di un anno di EndSars, un movimento di protesta contro la brutalità della polizia, alla casella di pedaggi di Lekki a Lagos, il 20 ottobre 2021. - Piovecento giovani si recano in onore dell'anniversario delle proteste EndSars che scossero le principali città del paese il 20 ottobre 2020.

Il governo nigeriano condannato per violazioni dei diritti umani durante le proteste #EndSARS

The Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), based in Abuja, imposed a financial penalty on Nigeria for the use of excessive force against peaceful protesters who demanded the disbandment of the notorious Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

Approximately two weeks into the 2020 protests, Nigeria's security forces opened fire on young people peacefully demonstrating at the Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos, resulting in several fatalities and injuries.

The court statement noted that "the evidence presented was credible in finding disproportionate use of force and violations of the right to liberty and security, assembly, free speech, and dignity." The statement specifically called out Nigeria's "disproportionate use of force at the Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos on October 20, 2020."

In a ruling delivered on Wednesday, the regional court ordered the Nigerian government to pay N2 million (around US$ 1,200) in compensation to each victim named in the lawsuit.

The case was brought before the court by three Nigerian citizens: Perpetual Kamsi, Dabiraoluwa Adeyinka, and Obianuju Catherine Udeh. Udeh live-streamed the shootings on her Instagram page.

According to the court statement, Kamsi was "responsible for the welfare of the protesters" and was hospitalized due to tear gas inhalation. Adeyinka "narrowly escaped being shot." Udeh was "forced into hiding and eventually sought asylum" after receiving threatening phone calls, the statement added.

Their lawyer, Bolaji Gabari, described the verdict as "a significant victory for the #EndSARS movement."

CNN contacted the Nigerian government for comment.

The court also ordered the country to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators responsible for the human rights abuses and provide an update in six months on the investigation and payment of compensation to those affected.

The #EndSARS movement began in 2020 as a protest against police brutality and violence. However, the marches evolved into protests advocating for police reform and an end to poor governance in the oil-rich nation.

The Judicial Panel of Inquiry and Restitution at the Lagos Court of Arbitration, a government-appointed panel, determined that the incident at the Lekki Toll Gate could be considered a "massacre" following a yearlong investigation.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court of Justice expressed concern over human rights violations in Africa, specifically mentioning the Lekki Toll Gate incident in Nigeria.

The #EndSARS movement, a call for police reform and an end to bad governance in Nigeria, gained popularity not only within the country but also sparked discussions about police brutality and human rights issues worldwide, including in Africa.

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