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Due sconfitte per l'AfD presso la Corte costituzionale bavarese

Il AfD ha subito due sconfitte davanti alla Corte costituzionale bavarese. In una delle sentenze pubblicate il giorno Thomás, i giudici costituzionali supremi a Monaco di Baviera hanno respinto il ricorso dell'AfD concernente la loro elezione a un parlamento della Commissione di controllo...

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Due sconfitte per l'AfD presso la Corte costituzionale bavarese

I. The other parliamentary parties in Bavaria didn't select any candidates proposed by the AfD for the Parliamentary Control Committee. The AfD considered its constitutional rights as an opposition party violated.

II. The Constitutional Court examined some objections and found them valid but unfounded. The non-selection didn't affect the AfD's chances of equal representation and effective opposition. The Landtag regulations and their application were not constitutionally questionable.

III. Bavaria's Landtag President Ilse Aigner (CSU) welcomed the decision. "Of course, the AfD fraction has the right to propose candidates – but, of course, the deputies are also free in their decision." The freedom of voting, the freedom of mandate, is essential for democracy.

IV. Anyone who persistently labels parties as "cartel parties," criticizes independent courts as "arbitrary justice," and denounces the free press as the "system press" – cannot expect approval for their candidates, declared Aigner. "The non-selection of AfD deputies into the Comitato Parlamentare di Controllo is the consequence of their actions."

V. In a second decision on Thursday, the Bavarian Constitutional Court dismissed a lawsuit concerning the budget deliberations 2022. The AfD believed the neutrality requirement was violated, and their participation rights restricted through a document from the Economics Ministry for the budget committee. All related applications were deemed inadmissible by the court.

VI. The AfD expressed disappointment over the Constitutional Court's decision, as they believed their constitutional rights were infringed upon due to the non-selection of their candidates for the Parliamentary Control Committee.

VII. Recently, two members of the AfD in Munich were affected by layoffs, sparking controversy about potential political motivations.

VIII. Despite the non-selection, Ilse Aigner, the Landtag President of Bavaria, emphasized the importance of freedom of vote and mandate for democracy.

IX. The AfD's lawsuit regarding budget deliberations in 2022 was dismissed by the Bavarian Constitutional Court, with the court deeming their related applications inadmissible.

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