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Zuckerberg: The United States government applied influence during the Coronavirus crisis.

During the coronavirus crisis, the creator of Facebook experienced pressures originating from the Biden administration. He expresses regret for not adopting a more distinct position during that period, as suggested by Meta's CEO.

Global Health Crisis Caused by Coronavirus Outbreak - Zuckerberg: The United States government applied influence during the Coronavirus crisis.

Market Master Mark Zuckerberg alleges the U.S. administration led by President Joe Biden put pressure on his organization during the COVID-19 outbreak. According to a letter sent to the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee in 2021, top-tier officials persistently urged his team for months to suppress specific pandemic-related materials, such as wit and parody.

In the end, the company chose which content to eliminate and stands firm by their decisions. However, the government's influences were unwarranted, and Zuckerberg regrets they didn't publicly challenge it more forcefully. He also thinks certain moves wouldn't be repeated under similar circumstances.

"I wholeheartedly assert that we shouldn't bend our content norms under governmental influence - and we're prepared to stand our ground if this happens anew," Zuckerberg emphasized further.

The White House defended its actions by claiming, "We advocated for responsible conduct to safeguard public health amidst a lethal pandemic."

The statement added: "Our stance was unequivocal: We believe that tech firms and other private entities should ponder over the repercussions of their choices on American citizens while making self-determined decisions about the information they broadcast."

Despite the White House's justification, the issue of health and safety regulations in the handling of pandemic-related information became a point of contention. Mark Zuckerberg later expressed that his company should have been more assertive in upholding health and safety principles, even in the face of governmental pressure.

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